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'I'm so in love that I might stop breathing
drew a map on your bedroom ceiling'

276 1430

when I wrote something about falling in one my of Bees comic... nailed it!😁🐝🎉

130 1137

"The ol' dancing couple"

Bro I suck BALLS into making like human vers. digitally ☠️ I'm trying alr? Anyways yeah, I'll practice a lil more..

1 20

Happy everyone! Of course this is the perfect day to highlight cutie, Daphne Blake, whose long locks are always picture perfect!

Well... except for that ONE time when her hair got ruined in the Tunnel of Love. Thanks a lot, Charlie.😫

14 62

"No ridiculous schemes, no pick-up lines. Just... be honest."
Phyrra was really on the money, as usual.

3 20

Also, if you like I highly recommend watching Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story

0 8

Okay listen, I drew this almost exactly 2 years ago, did I ever post it on twitter? not sure, but you know I have reasons to (re)post this now ASDFDGHJG 💜💛🐝

2 9

I don't care what anyone says, Blake and Yang are the greatest love story ever told

56 334

The face of death is one you're awfully familiar with, isn't it?

18 49

Congratulations to Blake & Yang for joining the list of awesome canon sapphic couples! I'm hoping they have plenty of happy and loving moments ahead.

4 31

“Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.”
Dante - Divine Comedy
William Blake 🎨Artwork

18 80

blake belladonna and yang xiao long making out onscreen blake with her hands wrapped around yang's head yang with her left hand on blake's waist and her right hand caressing blake's hair

0 4

cannot believe blake is doing the leg thing oh my god you are SO into her it's insane

18 122