Nice to meet you !!!

I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

I tag as my frendo and my fav brekky food is toast! 🍞

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

1 6

Heyaaaa !!

I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

As far as powers go, I’m a pretty regular dude but I’ve got a cute dinosaur companion!

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

1 2

Congrats on the 300!! That’s huuuuge! 💯💯💯

Heyaaaa !!!
Boppo don’t be shy say hi to everyone! 👋(^w^)

I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

1 4

I don’t believe we’ve met before !!!
Boppo don’t be shy say hi to everyone! 👋(^w^)

I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

0 2

Sup sup! Boppo don’t be shy say hi to everyone! 👋(^w^)

I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

1 6

Don’t believe we’ve met before !

I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

1 1

Heyaaaa !
I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

1 5

Omg two networking threads in pretty much a day?! You’re working overtime V!!

I’m Kitkat, the singer with the dinosaur on his head called Boppo.
We sing covers, play games and all round have a good time! 🎙 🎸🎮

Hope to meet more of you! ❤️

1 3

Hey V!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

1 7

Don’t believe we’ve met before !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys!

2 3

Nice to meet you !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

0 1

Nice to meet you !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

0 7

Nice to meet you !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

1 4

Hey !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

0 4

Heya !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

0 4

Nice to meet you !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

0 1

Nice to meet you !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet and be friends with loads of you guys!❤️

1 2

Nice to meet you !!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope I can meet loads of you guys! ❤️

1 1

Nice to meet you !!!

I’m Kitkat, the guy with the dinosaur on his head. Don’t be shy Boppo, say hi to everyone!👋(^w^)

We play acoustic guitar and sing covers but in our spare time we play League or apex 🎸🎤 🎮

Hope we can be friends!

0 6