Have capeless kaveh 🤲 cant wait to main him 🏛

5 10

Swift Capella !
My next generation!! 🤍🤍


13 109

Capeless Sang whispers in your ear 🦊👂
"Wishlist Sang: The Desert Blade on steam...
good gayme"

49 267

11/27(日)開催 に参加します。【D02a/Capel(カペル)】異世界ファンタジー・シリーズ物で長編漫画を描いています。今回の新刊はシリーズの番外編ですが、シリーズを知らなくても短編として読める様になっております(B6/36P)こちらは全ページTwitterにて公開済(リプに繋げます)

17 26

L'hai amata vero?
Lui si passò una mano tra i capelli
sospirò e disse:
"Lei era matta"
Lei era matta davvero, ogni giorno era una donna diversa"
Charles Bukowski


3 4

🌸..la linfa è delle foglie
come dei lunghi capelli
chiome che plasmano
l'albero poeta
che si fa sillaba
in ogni cellula

0 4

Tu mi portasti un po' d'alga marina
Nei tuoi capelli, ed un odor di vento,
Che è corso di lontano e giunge grave
D'ardore, era nel tuo corpo bronzino:
- Oh la divina
Semplicità delle tue forme snelle -

Dino Campana

🖌Joaquin Sorolla

2 10


0 9

Alentejo - Júlio Capela
⭐ SmartCoolDeals,com/art ⭐

0 0

To sum up my three past days:

I visited a spa with Clover, then we went to an amusement park where we met up with Hiki

Yesterday I did some acapella singing

And today I hung out with Hisoka, MiR and Hiki

I had tons of fun with them!

0 2

HI DID SOMEONE SAY POKEMON OCS? These are my sonas, Sebille, Capella, Oneiros, and Valentino!

1 6

Girly, I'd want a princess curtain in corner with pillows and giraffe plushies, a plush rug.

Fairy lights on the wall and a star projector, projecting on the wall (if possible).
A neon sign that says Acapelisa behind me.
That's all I can think of rn.

0 1

Guards from Sadrith Mora that practice acapella singing out of boredom from 's stream :D

2 8

Oooh this suuuch a good one.... I'm not sure they're all weird af 😭😂.
But of the one that comes to mind is Capella(left), my quiet witch clown girlie!. She mades noises when she's happy and just says "barf" when she dislikes something

0 1

The Behenian Flock
6 rotating astrological gif objects

.169 reserve


Thanks for your 🛠


15 49

{{starry sky capelet}}, double exposure

1 20