540 - Sewaddle
Type: Bug / Grass

Abilities: Swarm, Chlorophyll, Overcoat

1 1

470 - Leafeon
Type: Grass

Abilities: Leaf-guard, Chlorophyll

0 2

465 - Tangrowth
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Leaf-guard, Regenerator

0 2

420 - Cherubi
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll

2 6

poppy cat🌷

🏵️Poppies with cat genes and then planted in a pot The tail can absorb nutrients in the soil. The body is green because chlorophyll is used for photosynthesis. and with poppies on the head used for reproduction

Price 0.005 eth (polygon)

38 47

357 - Tropius
Type: Grass / Flying

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar-power, Harvest

0 2

275 - Shiftry
Type: Grass / Dark

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Early-bird, Pickpocket

0 2

274 - Nuzleaf
Type: Grass / Dark

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Early-bird, Pickpocket

0 2

273 - Seedot
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Early-bird, Pickpocket

0 2

192 - Sunflora
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar-power, Early-bird

0 0

191 - Sunkern
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar-power, Early-bird

0 0

189 - Jumpluff
Type: Grass / Flying

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Leaf-guard, Infiltrator

0 0

188 - Skiploom
Type: Grass / Flying

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Leaf-guard, Infiltrator

0 0

187 - Hoppip
Type: Grass / Flying

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Leaf-guard, Infiltrator

0 2

182 - Bellossom
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Healer

0 2

114 - Tangela
Type: Grass

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Leaf-guard, Regenerator

0 4

103 - Exeggutor
Type: Grass / Psychic

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Harvest

0 1

102 - Exeggcute
Type: Grass / Psychic

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Harvest

0 1

71 - Victreebel
Type: Grass / Poison

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Gluttony

0 0

70 - Weepinbell
Type: Grass / Poison

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Gluttony

0 0