// Christianity (the imagery), religious ctommy
Your relationship with religion must be pretty complicated when a god shares the face of your abuser.
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Some people actually believe that Christianity invented the concepts of hell, damnation etc.

Ancient peoples didn't convert because the Church told them about hell. They knew of hell from their own traditions.

They converted because the Church told them it could be avoided.

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Demon fox
Born in: hell
Bday: Jan 28th
Personality: chill, cool, fun
Likes: Tikishi, meeting new friends, having fun, being with Tikishi
Dislikes: Christianity, Tikishi leaving, being alone for a long period of time
Abilities: teleport, traveling universes

8 22

reminder to wishlist norco if you're interested in refineries, mystical christianity, suburban ennui, or boating around in a drainage ditch with strangers. p&c narrative adventure, demo's available here, your save carries over to the full release <3 https://t.co/OFjCYuaRqE

39 149

Ironically, both my comics have Christianity in them, but I’m a Jewish-American comic artist!! 😅

👁The Poet and the Flea: https://t.co/boanM3N0nY

👁The Plague and Doctor Caim: https://t.co/VOyBuOqLVm

8 22

Christianity is not a collection of truths to be believed,
of laws to be obeyed,
of prohibitions.
That makes it very distasteful.
Christianity is a person,
one who loved us so much,
one who calls for our love.
Christianity is Christ.
- St Oscar Romero

3 43

"They asked my parents in my presence to convert me to Christianity and they will help me in further studies. Since I didn't accept they kept torturing me."

And we are a Secular Nation....

1163 1897

Hindu girl student who is a topper was harassed by the Christian school, Sacred Heart School in Tanjavur district in Tamilnadu to convert to Christianity.

She attempted suicide and died in the hospital.

This is cold blood murder by the Christian School.

951 1477

Not surprisingly we have clown satoko on same rarelity batch and later they added the christianity sister hanyu.

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https://t.co/MidWHcGlkz Thirty Ways to Pray Without Really Praying: for the weary.

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Know what, fuck you *Converts your OC to Christianity*

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this is the rawest thing christianity has ever done.

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i love that despite being someone who grew up forced into christianity, my love for corny kids christian media reigns true. the cornier the better

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Mithras was a *male-only* cult, very popular among Roman soldiers and customs officials (hence all of the Mithraea in the port of Ostia). It emerged in the 1st c. AD and died in the 4th c. with the social, economic and political changes accompanying the rise of Christianity 13/

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Michael Roger St Denis
Hypatia was a Greek philosopher, astronomer and mathematician who lived in Alexandria. She was brutally murdered in 4th century CE.
Hypatia’s death marked the end of the ancient Paganist world and "triumph" of Christianity - thus began the dark ages.

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https://t.co/MidWHcGlkz Thirty Ways to Pray Without Really Praying: for the weary.

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The Ladder of Divine Ascent is a late 12th-century icon at Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai.

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https://t.co/MidWHcGlkz Thirty Ways to Pray Without Really Praying: for the weary.

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