
The most American game so far didn't get released in America. Huh.

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It has elevators. It has action. It has the color palette of a Play-doh multi pack. It looks like it can play on an Atari 2600. What more could you want?

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You can't go wrong with a good ol' space shooter. My cousin seems to exclusively play fps games and space shooters.

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Or it's original name,

Considering the arcade release date and main character design, they could've just made this a tie-in for The Karate Kid. I think AVGN would've preferred this over the LJN game.

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45: Track & Field

I guess the Olympic Games weren't going to wait for Mario and Sonic's rivalry to start before becoming a video game.

And now they aren't even waiting for Sonic at all.

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, maybe add in a Wrecking Crew DLC to Mario Maker 2? Destructible levels sounds cool.

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I'm noticing a trend with Japanese exclusives. Lots of black backgrounds with little cute characters.

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I'm under the impression that this was only released in Japan. I checked online, only Dig Dug 2 comes up in my searches for the NES.

If I had to guess why, it's the same reason as Space Invaders. Everyone already had it.

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I thought it was gonna be a Pac-Man rip off, but It seems to be something entirely different.

Still has a yellow guy in mazes though.

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I really liked designing this one. I'll include some variations in this post.

They're a bit dramatic for the game in question but I hope the original developers like it if they see this.

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Decided to also upload the background because I like it quite a bit.

Sometimes I wish Nintendo allowed a few more than 5 games sent to America a year by each 3rd party. Some of these look pretty fun.

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This game is basically Slalom but cute and you don't have a 8-bit butt in your face.

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Oh man, it's one of the big boys. Apparently this port never left Japan. If I had to guess why, it's because of the Atari 2600 version. Everyone basically already had it.

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Sometimes the only thing I have to base these drawings on is the box art, and I think I just found Captain Falcon.

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I scratched my hand while drawing this, that deserves a penalty.

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Transformers vibes from this one. That's really all I have to say.

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Apparently the creator of this, Will Wright, went on to make most of the games in series. SimCity, SimEarth, SimAnt, SimLife, SimCopter, etc. If there's two things he likes its complete control of everything and helicopters.

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Did they fire that guy at S.H.I.E.L.D. or what?

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I legit have no idea whats going on in this game. There were fighter jets, outer space, dragons, Easter Island heads, etc. This is Jaleco's first NES game, that one company who puts their name where the title should go, and they wanted to be known.

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