Guess who just got laid off??? And is also offering commissions??? ITSA ME! 🙃🍰🙃
I've got four slots open right now, offering cute merfolk: full color, simple BG, first come first served! Email is but even retweets are appreciated rn!

2 1

I drew mine and ’s ocs ❤️❤️

Thinking about doing commissions?? Need to save ££

1 4

Oh fuck going to Akon I guess....
Anyone wanna help me afford the trip with commissions??

0 0

two time lapse commissions??? im not complaining

12 82

Since is out, would this be a good time to tell y’all I still do Trainer 😬

BONUS: For a limited time, If you RT this post and commission me, I’ll include another pokemon with your trainer for free!!

5 4

to take a bit of a break from icons.. i want to try out portrait-like commissions?? they can be done normally or with a monochrome palette !

✨ 30USD!! please DM if interested <33

10 50

Maybe somebody interested in quick 10$ commissions??? ówò
(I want to buy clip studio while it on sale lmao)

17 54

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I guess I'll open commissions????
idk how many slots I'll take (or if anyone would even want to commission me lol) but I guess 5 for now?

prices *can* be negotiable

✨rt's would be appreciated✨

god bless

4 6

Midnight posting my portrait commissions??? Oh, yes. This was for ...

1 15

how was your valentine's day??
sorry this was kinda late:// i really like how simple this looks tho haha maybe next year i'll do valentine's day commissions???

0 2

me?? opening commissions?? omw

*accept paypal payment only
*preferably female characters
*DM me if you're interested / need more info


Retweets appreciated ilu

127 291

i do emoticon commissions?? dang! yall can get ur furry done up like this + 3-7 alternate expressions for $10-$15!

38 49

possible food chibi commissions?? not sure if there will be interest though sobs

they will be eating food base! with the character's favorite ffxiv food dish!

can possibly do non-ffxiv chars too ahhhhhh

and nyas for sample belong to !!

12 39

made a few stickers for telegram this past week,

miht open up for sticker commissions???

88 495

hey would any1 be interested in
some quick $10 bust commissions?? 🎨🌈

8 12

The instagram artists who just copy other people's art have started to glorify it now... this person has 50k followers. They dont even give credit or mention they copied art in almost all of their posts, and take commissions??? Where they just copy another drawing???

66 146

does it take me forever to work on commissions??? Yes... Yes it does

11 121