ALSO their beard is worse than cranges and i hate drawing their weird back sideburns
kace! stop making me draw bEARDS AGAINST MY WILL!!!!

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im all jittery bc FINALE so heres a compilation of Crange avoiding water bc even though it means nothing
i am DETERMINED to make it mean something i cant get over this coincidence

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OKAY so! summary of the big weird thing is
one Emersons Crange keeps dying and they can't cope with death so
shit gets mad sciencey Frankenstein-y
and he just keeps waking up in this stupid god damn bar!!!

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iv had like 1 or two ppl ask why i dont jst. do a lot more redraws nd i rlly feel like its bc a lot of the comic like. rlly relies on crange bein a nut. like how would i redraw this panel?? jst a GIANT bird??? a.. a plane??

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im thinkin about!! the usual! my mantidses and nuttses...
i cant imagine anything other than crange havin to drag emmy out of hell. like a good bf

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speakin of chrismis, i drew some stuff (usen prompts put together by Geo u o u ) so here are those themed doodles!
fr this one, me and matt had a running joke tht crange n emerson didnt fucken know what eggnog was

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in the hiagbe discord we had a running joke about crange and emerson getting drunk-married in las vegas so i DREW IT

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hmmmmm, maybe actually posting content may be a good idea

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HIGH HEAVEN # 3 has:
*A lead story by & Greg Scott
*Hashtag: Danger by Peyer &
*Prose by & J. P. Crangle art
*Prose by with art by
*Death by Matthew Sharpe & art

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anyways late-nite sort of a theory but not really time, um crange definitely doesnt remember the times he dies in canon. like straight up no recollection of choking

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i was havin an Emerson Day yesterday and i wanted to draw the other two human Emerson designs i've seen! ^^ specifically & 's bc they're so good!! i imagine if the three of them met they'd vent about Crange..

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i had to do more wristchapel crange drawings and for that i already pre-emptively apologize

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quick crange

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lil astronut crange bc i doodled it out fr a pun and i thought it was a DOPE design so alas

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ok so i remembered earlier this week tht i love the colors and swirlie eyes frm crange goes to a kegger so i did smth for it!!

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ok also? not to walk ass-first into theory city right off the bat
but like are they talkin abt tht time they THOUGHT crange died after he got high with the pod people
or is our crange not this best bitches first crange?? WHATS THE STORY THERE AM I RIGH-

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I was thinking about how back when 2/3 of them were still alive I thought Chill Crange,our Crange an sick Crange were gonna be a trio. So! I drew smth for it!!

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