Isolated my share of doodles from today's Behind the Zines stream!
The mother’s hair is short because someone else’s drawing used to be there so don’t mind that, and yes I redrew my detection joke as it was topical

19 104

Oki olvidar el trabajo de siendo nostradamus, cuando dibujo un sombrero de capa encima de mi gorro y posteriormente conseguí uno xD y luego para aumentar sus poderes me dibujo con mis anhelos millonarios (?

3 11

Also hilarious about him is his buttmonkey status, and like, it's not even when he's Damus-- it's while he's *Tarn*

1 5

I made this 4 years ago* but didn't post because it seemed a little much.

*Mostly. Failed to foresee fallen podium and face scarfs. I'm not frickin' Nostradamus man. Actually, fascist scum taking things in this direction was really not much of a prediction to make.

60 302

Greetings again,

I do not normally like to brag or boast. However, I am compelled to remind everyone that I, Microsoft Taint, predicted this would happen back in September.

I am Nostradamus.

1 8

Audience of one by Marc Adamus.

85 185

Thus spake Nostradamus!

Presenting the cover for Hocus Pocus PROPHECY

4 20

縹虫さん(@hanadamushi1374 )に描いていただいたサムネとかのイラストのやつです。

4 15

Le génial et provocateur Félicien Rops 1833-1898. Un des artistes qui m'a le plus marqué après avoir vu une rétrospective de ses oeuvres au Musée des Beaux arts de Québec quand j'étais étudiant. La belle préiode, où je découvrais Baudelaire et soirées au Nostradamus.

0 1

TF personalities of the past~
I. Damus (Glitch/Tarn, IDW)
II. Cyclonus, dead friends Gridlock and Provoke (IDW2)
III. Sentinel with Nominus Prime (IDW2)

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