Please don't try to kill members of Dekker's family in front of him; he may say he doesn't care for them but he'll prove otherwise and flip his shit. No matter being blinded for 4 rounds, it didn't stop him yelling abuse and death threats. Such a precious little halfling 😉

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'Quality' art time! Since Dekker ‘made friends’ with some rust monsters, it was inevitable that he'd get doodled riding one as was his (prematurely shattered) dream. Naturally he’d use the Carver as the carrot on a stick to see it go, much to the sickle's chagrin 😉#DnD

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Roll a nat 1 on a nature check for green dragon knowledge. DM tells you you think they’re like cockatrice. You roll with it for the lulz and tell anyone who’ll listen about chicken-dragons. Turns out Dekker is very passionate about chickens, who knew? 😄#DnD

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I'm a sucker for contrast between little and current Dekker 😉Black (griffon) wings (his mercenary group), purple roses (his knightly order), thorns (his 'guild'-in-progress), moons, stars, sickles… Just Dekker things. But the sickle is always constant!

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Dekker & the Carver doodle ~again~, a redraw from a couple of years ago because I wanted to draw something but completely lacked inspiration 😐

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How to sum up last Dekker's last session in one picture. I could give true context, but instead know he was invisible, trapped and crying to himself as he stole a necklace and then a corset, before requiring a rather stiff drink 😉 Ah 🤣

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The rogue, ranger, bard and cleric; Dekker, Nazir, Zeke and Lock, aka all my active PCs who I masquerade as in my free time and who have far more interesting (and/or terrifying) lives than I do 😉

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Waist shot commission by Vee_Bun (GO) of her character Dekker.

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Even the asshole of a weapon is allowed it’s own ‘portrait’, right? It is sort-of-kind-of-maybe-maybe-not a person... (it has memories/knowledge of a person, I know that much at least!) The Carver and roses for Dekker’s knightly order, because symbolism for PCs is fun 😀

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A quick pic for the holidays...! The Carver is an asshole and why we can’t have nice things. Poor Dekker spent forever getting cold and wet to make that snowman 😉 Happy Holidays, all! 💚

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~Sir~ Dekker doodle, just cause 😉 I'll embrace the Order of the Purple Rose for the aesthetics while Dek will learn over time to feel worthy of being titled as he tries to live up to it... I also feel I can play with the rose & thorns symbolism in the near future...

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Sometimes I realise how much I miss my bard 😢Zeke's campaign died over a year ago, but I still write with him for funsies (alongside Dekker), but that doesn't mean I don't wish I could play him again. Maybe one day...

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Been meaning to make a crappy parody of this vine - - very much how I see the Dekker/Carver relationship 😉#DnD

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Do I ever draw anything other than Dekker’s face? No, no I don't. Oh well, could be worse 😉

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Typical case of getting carried away - Dekker & symbolism, that went from simple black 'n' white lines to this... 😉

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Back from a week in Ireland with my buddies & currently trying not to die from a souvenir cold... the only remedy is a sassy Dekker 😄

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Dekker tries to hard to be a good guy & do the right thing, but in the end he's still a devious little shit 😉

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Dekker's method of defence from a monster that kills 'naughty kids' & was drawn to his evil sickle wasn't that successful 😉#DnD

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Watch part 4 of and stream of The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker here: and goodies

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