Crossmon, el Digimon principal del episodio 30 de Digimon Adventure (2020), es un Digimon de Concurso, en concreto del "Digimon Web Dot-art Contest" para el Digivice y D-3, del que también salieron Deathmon y SkullScorpiomon.

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imagine coming home to these two (as new Digivices let you have two in one) and they look you dead in the eyes as you just find multiple piles of shit on the living room carpet

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My JP Digivice has a Mambomon and Veggiemon, currently, while my US one has an Agumon and Betamon

You'd think the older, more powerful Japanese Digimon would poop more but no, Agumon and Betamon are absolute excrement machines.

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200 followers!! X3

To celebrate, I will make a drawing of this type (digimon+oc with digivice) to a follower!

To participate, you must follow me and place in the comments a reference image of your characters, along with the background color you want x3

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Time to introduce my digimon oc, Rafiqah. Her partner is Herissmon and digivice is digivice burst.

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could we PLEASE get more releases in the UK? Having to import digivices is super expensive :(

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Fucked it up, it's not half as cool as the one I dreamt about. Now it looks more like a Kingdom Hearts gimmick and less like a but oh well....

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Maybe letting a talking, dancing candlestick lead Shinichi to civilization was a bad idea..

Kazuto and Rika were helping Zassoumon when they heard a scream by the old bridge! Can they get there in time?

The orange Digivice evolves Candmon into Wizarmon!

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Possible SPOILER for Adventure:.
Milleniummon appeared in the Digivice:.

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And in the game, V-mon appears in the house with the D-3 to turn into Ryo's partner, while in the anime Ken received its Digivice with Osamu, the original model, and went to the DW alone.

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But Ryo would also appear in 02, in the episode 23 of the series, "When a Digivice is Infected by Darkness", whe have flashbacks of Ryo's past. There we saw Ken going to his first adventure and later, to the Dark Ocean.

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1. Agumon cause I'm insanely basic lmao
2. The Digivice Accel cause it just looks cool as fuck.
3. Maybe Crest of Kindness, not super sure.

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Unlike everyone else, Keiko's first day in the Digital World was great! Riding on the back of her new friend through the desert has never been more fun!

With her blue Digivice, Keiko bonds with Dracomon! He hasn't evolved yet, for now.

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Special edition of my digivice series, you can keep up with it on Facebook or my Tumblr under DizziDino!

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Please , please just let us Americans buy digivices. Why do they only come out in severely limited releases? I just want a digimon X ver 2 for a reasonable price. Why do you do this. I just want the boy. Why is it so hard to get the boy?

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Digivice gave me impmon why not try to beef him up :3

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Seoho said the Digimon pose where they hold the digivice looks like Hwanwoong's tiger pose 😂

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It was rare to find these two Digimon doing the "This Digivice will purify you" scene.

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