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wip enstars but it's scara and dottore as valkyrie

2 6

Юные клоны доктора любят снежнийскую зиму. Ещё сохранившие в себе это зыбкое чувство, они не перестают поражаться местному климату с самых первых дней своего создания. В пыльном и жарком Сумеру, с которым они знакомы по воспоминаниям создателя, такое явление >>

38 338

🖤What if Dottore had namecard🖤

1 2

iI Dottore and Cyno for a video on the clock app 🧍 my beloveds

7 64

Harbinger shenanigans at coscarni this April 2

I love that Pantalone cosplayer

And to the Dottore cosplayer I adbucted, 100% willing to do it again

3 12

Dottore V.S. Baizhu in Liyue Harbour. Who wins?

83 814

Why did I put Childe here I could have put this Dottore tch

0 3

Tui có Dottore rồi 🧪🧪🧪

80 398

The way i had to stop myself from just putting dottore https://t.co/sUe36hYZ8S

9 104

I had to take a photo of someone’s card at a con and a xiao cosplayer was standing behind me, saw the present made for my birthday and went “THE DOTTORE WALLPAPER? 👁️” and i wanted to die

23 317