1/1 digital art
"Symbol of love" on FDN

0 0

"Wings" on FDN
We all have wings, even if we can't see them. There are things that energize us, help us move forward, dream and create! Meditations help me. What helps you "fly"?

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Hello friend!
"Listen to your heart" on FDN

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"Listen to your heart" on FDN
0.15 ETH

When you're wandering in darkness, when you can't see the way, listen to your heart. It will show you the way, lead you to the bright side. Just trust it.

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This is a new illustration, my favorite at the moment
"Symbol of love" on FDN

When the world has gone mad, consumed by lies, anger and wars, I choose love, hope. The lotus as a reminder, a symbol of life🌺

Link in pinned tweet

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My new drop "Symbol of love"
on FDN

0 2

"Listen to your heart"
0.15 ETH on FDN

0 2

My new drop "Symbol of love" on FDN
0.2 ETH

When the world has gone mad, consumed by lies, anger and wars, I choose love, hope. The lotus as a reminder, a symbol of life

0 0

My new drop on FDN
"Symbol of love"

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My new drop "Symbol of love"
0.2 ETH on FDN

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Act IV, Scene II; Revenge of RED x RED some figures are direct metaphors of their “ID” shadow forms…

RED is collected by On FDN and it’s holds a huge value being my first irl painting (on canva) of the concept as well 🔥

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【每日分享NFT艺术家DAY 156】终于放假啦!丸子在这里祝大家国庆快乐,吃好喝好欢度长假!今天介绍的是日本艺术家,他的作品是比较经典的二次元女孩形象,灵眸的凝视给人温柔安静的感觉,很适合当PFP,系列作品目前在FDN上出售,地板价0.3e。画师的头像penguin也是他在os上出售的另一系列的NFT

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Hello Trevor! Thank you for the space and opportunity! ✨🫶


My Rose on B612
1/1 on FDN

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