In case you don't know, this is Fiesta! A smol, half Kemono, white & coral feather dragon, inspired by the Archaeopteryx; the species of dinosaur with feathers, the most birb of them all <3 She's now officially my mascot/sona after a year of development~ What do you think?? 👀👀

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Yorik the Mummy Oviraptor 2" scale figure sculpt, in progress. He still needs his scraps of feathers, some texturing, and his "waddle" loop of bandages.

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It's Marvelous Skeb Monday!! Look who's coming in for a landing!! This came out so great! There's so much detail in the wings, the loose free falling feathers, my flame tattoo, and the rays shining behind me with the clouds is just so cool!!! I love it!!

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Big ball of feathers, done in a matter of one and a half hours to two.

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Quetzalcoatl, His wise old face wreathed with a beard of brilliant feathers, said, “I am Quetzalcoatl, the Morning Star. Every morning, I lead the Sun back out of Mictlán to be reborn with the dawn. I know the way out of the Land of the Dead and will guide us back home"

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Pastel Paleotober Day 25: Tyranosaurus 🦖

The late Cretaceous North American theropod Tyranosaurus is among the most recognizable dinosaurs. While its relatives and ancestors almost certainly had feathers, it may have become bald as it evolved its massive size, similar to rhinos

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Its feathers are a valuable crafting material and perfect for making strong leather. The light-refracting tail feathers, in particular, are used in jewelry that many young women love.

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You know what, it's been a while since my griffins had any love from me. ^_^
(they can be wearing their headdresses with sun/moon disks or just their crest of feathers, whichever you prefer to do)

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Since I'm playing Phae, thinking about revisiting these pieces. For someone who hates drawing feathers, I sure gave Phaedra a lot of them.

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[wip] its 2am so i gotta stop, but im slowly chipping away at this....

i thought what if their hair was closer in colour (eventually) to their feathers, which is why rakan has some gold and xayah has some purple gradients

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I'm a bit late but i wanted to join the

Day 1 "favourite animal and type" owl and steel

its hard-as-diamond feathers stopped it from flying, so it now hunts with ambush, wrapping its wings around prey to shred them with bladed feathers, then it picks at the remains

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Its usually easy to overlook, the 3 red feathers.
If people do my birb they tend to color the back part, of the 3 feathers, red when from the front they are red and back is silver.
And sometimes people color my stirb all silver, when its slightly blueish
I dont mind of course :3

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UPDATE, still WIP as of Oct. 4:
- Feathers, to signify the... Riolu's floppy ears idk :v
- Just wanted to add the badge
- Changed eyes, and also added 1/2 of shading
- Buttons, and also edits to the "sleeves"
- Designed the shoes to look Stuart-ish

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I speed ran this,but I keep my word when I say that imma do BOTH

Day 1:fancy rock make magic glowy feathers,idk

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Feel free to do your take at an anthro one! (Disregard wing feathers, just leave em on elbow)

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i recently read this wonderful fic called "Ocean-Dipped Feathers, Sun-Kissed Wings" by Krisington and got inspired to draw some

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He is constantly shedding feathers, nearly every time his flaps his wings or they get brushed against with any bit of pressure, or even a breeze, he looses feathers, yet also seems to have enough to fly with. He sheds so much he uses his own feathers as a pillow.

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Feathers, 30 x 24". Hands To Heaven series.

As one often finds feathers on daily walks, one can easily imagine some elude to the feathers of angels. For a brief moment they can be seen as sacred objects from the wings of these holy beings.

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"The Green king has many winged servants doing his bidding, some clad in feathers, some in fur, and some of his own scaled kin, but none are as swift and true as Uleg of the Fleetwings."

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