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コノヱさん()の企画にsghrさんと萩で参加させていただきます~ 象徴する花は結構多いと思うのですが時期的に秋草から選びました 企画ありがとうございました!

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Stella Nox Fleuret ✨

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Ilustraciones a mejor calidad del DLC cancelado de la dama Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, presentes en la novela ❝The Dawn of the Future❞.

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And I drew a quick sketchy picture of Ravus Nox Fleuret yesterday, because I felt like it and I wanted to see if I can get his likeness down.

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Day 5 Prompt: Family
Imagine Ardyn as a dad ❤️
The older daughter is named Lelia, the younger Amara

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Day 4
Prompt: Nightmares

Having lost his ability to heal people from the Starscrourge, Ardyn watches helplessy as Aera slowly turns into a daemon.

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Dawn of the Future Postcard Scans

I didn't scan the one of younger Noct and Luna.

They are also marked (very lightly) by me.

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