Hello Francesco,

Ty for the space!

Here's my latest drops including Cyborgue Fashion Week 🌟

🔶 1.25 to 2.5 $XTZ

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Nothing is what the heroes of Earth thought it was.

Check out the creators!
(A) Trevor Hairsine
(CA) , Francesco Mattina

Get your dose!⁠

Preorder and Save!⁠

4 9

Francesco Guardi (5 Oct 1712 - 1 Jan 1793), Venetian landscape painter of Rococo period.

"His scintillating & romantic impressions of the declining city...

🎨 Guardi by Pietro Longhi, 1764.
🎨 'View on the Grand Canal at San Geremia, Venice,' 1760-65. Frick Museum.

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Francesco Guardi

btd 1712 d 1793

Venetian School

'Capriccio architettonico'

1 4


Зимний пейзаж с крестьянами и животными (A winter landscape with peasants and their live stock). Франческо Фоски (Francesco Foschi), (ок.1710-1780) https://t.co/nyM7tCgGmt

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E di cantici....
Beati quelli ke 'l sosterrano in pace .... ka da te, Altissimo, sirano incoronati.

2 2

«La joie c'est de n'être plus jamais chez soi, toujours dehors, affaibli de tout, affamé de tout, partout dans le dehors du monde comme au ventre de Dieu»

[C. Bobin - Le très bas]

4 26

“Un amico, un vero amico, è anche un testimone, e il suo sguardo ti permette di valutare meglio la tua vita.”

Emmanuel Carrère


Caravaggio Natività con San Francesco

15 40


“Se c'è traffico tra i pensieri, fermati un attimo e goditi la magia delle stelle.”

Dario Di Francesco


2 17

street fighter vs darkstalkers by panzer and andrea cofrancesco

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Francesco Tullio (Treviso, 30 settembre 1942)

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Francesco Tironi, View of the Island of San Giacomo in Paludo, late 18th century https://t.co/gUUrH8RLsE

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Ciao Francesco,

Congrats on your sale!

Here's some of my most recent works on Samuraipunks.

🔶 1 edition
🔶2.5 to 5


Have a great day!

1 3

Two GREAT comics out today that are not OLD DOG:
HELL IS A SQUARED CIRCLE by &Francesco Biagini and BRIAR by

5 41

September 26, 1997, a series of hits the Italian province of Umbria. 11 people are killed in the town of Assisi - Fresco by Giotto (ca. 1200) in the basilica of San Francesco in Assisi showing the aftermath of a quake

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Happy birthday, Francesco Borromini.
September 25, 1599 in Ticino, Switzerland.

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