New GIF tagged cat, cats, geek, gato, gatos, geek girl, una geek, geekgirl, ungeek via Giphy catt

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[Common Dayz]
Xenia's official character sheet

features: Nerdy/Geek, Shy, and Smart

17 73


As a ship geek, the thing I was most excited about in Picard was a new Romulan Warbird. It also looks different to the ships seen in the trailer approaching Mars, which also seem Romulan, but have a different configuration.

0 47

🎶 Chorale Negitachi : Concert ! 🎶
Jeudi 12 décembre 20h30

Bonsoir mes renards chanteurs ! 🦊

La chorale est de retour au Renard Doré pour un concert autour de la culture japonaise, jeux vidéos, geek, pop culture !

🎶Lire la suite :

10 13

So I got inspired by ‘s video about her Pokémon quest - and I wanted to draw myself in that universe. I do wish I was more of a Pokémon geek, but who knows maybe one day I really will be catching em all! 😹
Hope you’re all doing well!

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🌟 MIAM MIAM 🌟1/2

Des couleurs et de la fumée 🔥💭

Gorgée de Désenflage, Philtre de Paix, Veritaserum, Fire Bird, ou Potion ou breuvage... Au dragon qui fume - Bar geek, vous trouverez des verres qui fument et plein de drôles de choses... Enervatum et Petrificus Totalus 🤔😉

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I'm Alex! I make oddball illustrations and stories. I create the comic "Krazy Noodle Massacre." I am a design student, font geek, bird lover, and appreciator of retro design aesthetics.

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⚡️ Ally • 16 • she/her • taken⚡️

self proclaimed percy jackson fan and theater geek, I also like battle cats

🦉About :
🦉 Da:
🦉 Toyhouse :

3 20

I started New Game+ in Three Houses. However, I am going to redo the Blue Lions since there were some things that I missed in my first playthrough.

I'm a 100% geek, I get it.

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New GIF tagged cat, nerd, geek, glasses, nerds, nerdy, thinking, bingo blitz, blitzy via Giphy catt

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I am Jenn Barrett, true geek, owner of two laptops (PC and Mac), is a BA Hons Grad and full blown Mancunian.

Please check out my website

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AG: RAW/100 Boys | my German Geek, KT

2 43

¡Jornada revanita de puertas abiertas! El sábado en celebramos un año más el conmemorando el estreno de "#StarWars en 1977. Un día para promover la cultura o como cada uno quiera llamarla.

2 11

Bandwagon powers go!
-Mostly Bs but a few As
-Loves puns and bad jokes
-Band geek, plays a few brass instruments
-Sells snacks and food out of the band hall
-Only barely on time, never early
-Spends lunch in the tutor center to help others with assignments

23 219

But thinkgeek, I actually want this in life......

0 4 northstarxman:

Gymnastics gaygeek, queergeek, dudetube

0 7 jamesjeffers:

B Ø Y S T Ø Y S gaygeek, queergeek, toonbrood

0 0クロカワスドウ baraarchive:

Artist: kurokawasudō クロカワスドウ gaygeek, queergeek, drawn, therewillbedragons

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some more comms from the past little chunk of time!! (hellodeerling, unpopulargeek, toyshn)

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