a bit late to say this but when I saw this for the first time I was like, damn GD, Apple in your eye? LOL😜

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35 31

Really Love This ~ GRi Fanart 🆚 Photo วาดได้เหมือนรูปมากมากอะ สุดยอดเลย ชอบๆ 👍🏻👍🏻 credit: on pic

48 23


31 29

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😏😎GoGoGo!지드래곤!

112 43

Fanart GD playing with kitty Seungri, how cute! (credit: )

30 8

Fanart Made style (credit on pic)

5 7

Fanart "The traveling duo and the sleepy panda" (credit on pics)

9 3

Fanart Made style~ (credit on pics)

14 5

Fanart "In the every day life of leader and maknae" (credit on pics)

22 9

Fanart Bae Bae style~ (credit on pics)

4 5

GD unable to leave Seungri's side~ Made concert in Guang Zhou 5/30 - 5/31 2015 (credit on pics)

9 6

Fanart (credit on pic) GD forever laying on Seungri's lap~

4 3