Ok campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooooold out there today! It's going up against on this weeks pod. Find out which time loop movie we go most loopy for right here https://t.co/rpSRaFk7GU

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is fast approaching — there's still time to get those last minute gifts.

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Made this sketch for the company / party. Used my spaces and places environment design from yesterday.
The t-rex is our department mascot .

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Cropped portrait construction in 10 layer's of my Groundhog day alternative movie poster. John M. Watson Sr. plays the Bartender in the film, small role but very Significant.🙂

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Now there's a trip down memory lane. Happy belated and to you all.

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Inspired by the I started this sketch and it kinda went out of control 😜

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Happy😃 from 🇨🇦to my very It’s been quite the 🥶to with loads of ⛄️ &an to the I it’s rather than all

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