Here are Cheltenham Ladies’ College girls lining up for Prayers in the 1930s

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This photo from 1915 shows the Prayer Room at Cheltenham Ladies’ College during

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It’s tomorrow! Here’s CLC’s Kindergarten with modelling clay in 1912

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It’s –to celebrate, here’s ‘The Ocean World’, an 1870s textbook about sea life

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Cheltenham Ladies’ College girls are doing this week - here they are in 1927!

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This weekend, our new will be training for their roles. Here are the first CLC prefects in 1892

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This photo of Red Cross training at Ladies’ College was taken during

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Our new are visiting this weekend! Here are CLC girls in the having a tea break

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History & STEM on 6 May 8:30pm AEST, 6:30am EST. Pls RT

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