画質 高画質

(wip) hmmmmmmmmmmmmHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

0 4

🧍hi gamers uhhh uhmmmmmm adversityshipping

4 11

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm might take a shot at writing a stuffing fic with pepp1no

0 19

that is indeed very hard hmmmmmmmmmm
if only there was someone who could read your mind! That would make it so easy to find out! But idk someone like that... :/ mhhhhh i guess and go for Koakuma...

0 4

hmmmmmmm.........foi mal mas isso parece muito algo que eu veria em uma revista de 2005 ao lado do goku super sayajin 8 kkkkkk

(eu sei que é uma versão "muito antiga do suicune" mas não deixa de parecer algo que estaria estampado em uma mochila infantil na 25)

0 6

Mmmmm, Color rosa/Violeta! (Quien lo diría jsjs) y un tema... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Girasoles y latitas de monster uwu

1 5

This....Actually kinda looks good...?? I think I'm in love with this art style....It takes a shit ton of time tho... HMMMMMMMM....

1 10

hello vroid my old friend.

0 20

ookokok hear me out, why do they have the diamond and pearl clan color scheme??????? hmmmmmmmm????

0 3

Ughhasdhsad I wish I weren't so socially awkward hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I just want to talk to people without making it awkward and cringing at myself internally seconds later hmmmmmmmmmmmhmmhm

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