Haha my younger self would be so confused as to why peeps ship both of em

Honetly, thr ship is so cute, pls i need more of those 😔💕

21 109

Post PHF AU but Narancia survive and this is the first thing he did after he got discharged from the hospital?


43 132

i'll do 2 per character but i'll cheat and start with 1&2 since i don't think many people will do this!
1&2a. he goes by "Bison Max"! he's a half-orc sorcerer who focuses mostly on fire
1&2b. she goes by "Click" instead of her phonetic name. she's a Mantodea (homebrew) gunslinger

0 4

Oh yeah honetable mention to @.CafeiGoatz
I might give you a small prize or something idk we’ll see

2 10

A truly unique novel for this week's Young Adult Book recommendation - you will never read anything else like it

0 6

Jin (also known as Jimb, Jimby, the boy, ect ect)

We thought he was a girl at first and were gonna name him Yen after Yennefer, and then I pussied out when the vet told us he was male. Decided on Jin since its somewhat similar phonetically. I also love Tekken. https://t.co/X4ulGiDHs4

0 0

Note: The text written in Japanese characters at the top right of the image is a phonetic transcription. The first three characters sound like "lady" and the last four like "ermine". The Japanese particle で is supposed to express the relationship between them.

0 12

Fun fact: In an interview with director Ichinose-san, when asked to describe the concept of Bloodbath Diablos, he said “バッドアス” literally (and phonetically) “A Badass” LOL.

44 478

Igande honetan irekiko dute Ipar eta Hego EHren arteko muga. Muga horren deuseztatzea eta igarotzea, aste honetako trixertean, nere kontu!
ren dendan erosi ditzakezue: https://t.co/r2vrdf2lxb

11 29

Igande honetan irekiko dute Ipar eta Hego EHren arteko muga. EH administratiboki banatzen duten mugak, inoiz baino gehiago, frontera bilakatu dira azken hilabeteotan. Muga horren deuseztatzea eta igarotzea irudikatu du -k asteko trixertean 👇


1 10

Dear diary, so I guess I CAN make highly detailed art
This is a commission for and I never thought I'd be able to finish it, holy shit. This was honetly fun to work on
No idea who this character is btw, I only had the reference, lol

8 92

guardia zibil batek ekintzaile ekologista donostiarra hil zuen tiroz.

Zigorra jaso eta bi hilabetera hiltzailea saritu zuten, lankideak erreportaje honetan azaldu zuenez, -ren azal ederrarekin.


27 40

Multiple Kaz Brekkers, honetly i couldn't decide which one i preferred so 😅♠️ Kaz from belongs to
This was painted for

51 230

ren gehigarri berrirako egin dudan azaleko marrazkia. Pandemiaz, Juan Gorostidik. Aste honetan kalean. Ez galdu!! 👍👍👍

7 28

🥂 Usurbilgo Aurtengo Sagardo Eguna etxean eta etxekoekin ospatuko dugu. Beraz, igande honetan sagardo botila hartu eta txotx egin ezazu. Argazki bat atera eta sare sozialetan partekatu!


4 1

ill be honets i kinda wanna draw this concept lola
its just so cute

1 0

I had to do a presentation about the sounds /r/ and /l/ for my phonetics clas and I just found it funny how the two allophones for /l/ are called light l and dark l so I made them into characters just for the funsies.

0 1

One of my first FS fanart (Wedding edition) > My latest one.
Honetly? kinda proud

14 83