We are sorry that we cannot hosting today Tell Now Streaming Party due to our deep condolences for the passengers and their family of yesterday airplane crash
May all their souls rest in peace at the best place 🙏

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They fly high forever, rest in peace beautiful souls.🥀
For Capt Afwan and co-pilot you are the best. Fly high with the crew and other passengers to Jannah. rest in peace for you too 🥀🥀
Insyaallah surga sudah menunggu kalian 😇

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Belasungkawa terdalam untuk seluruh korban Sending my prayers and condolences to the pilots, crews, passengers and families of those on Sriwijaya Air

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tw // plane crash

sending our prayers to all the crews and passengers for the lost of Sriwijaya Air Jakarta-Pontianak. deepest condolences to their families and everyone who is affected by this tragedy, you are all in our prayers 🙏🏻

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Jika kita tidak bisa membuat keadaan jadi lebih baik, setidaknya mari kita doakan sejenak yang terbaik untuk korban, keluarga dan tim penyelamat 🙏

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Kondisi Cuaca pada saat sebelum dan sesudah Sriwijaya Air yang mengalami hilang kontak pada pukul 14:40 WIB 09/01/2021. Sepuluh menit setelah take off. Data citra satelit kami sajikan berurutan mulai pukul 14:30 WIB, 14:40 WIB ( Saat hilang kontak ) dan 14:50 WIB.

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Waktu rec dulu, ngobrol sm mba2 senior. Mereka blg ‘De, apapun yg terjadi dilangit, itu kehendak tuhan. Apapun yg kami senangi, dan cintai, sudah kami tinggalkan diujung landasan Lillahi Ta'ala

sending all prayers to sriwijaya air, the passengers, crews & their family ❤️

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Sebagai satu2nya survivor dari peristiwa banjir besar , dia merasa bahwa tanggung jawab dia utk melindungi bumi , hingga dia menitiskan kekuatannya ke banyak "wadah" sepanjang multiverse.

Dari Nani Wijaya , Ganis hingga Alana.

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[ Profile ]

Nama: Kalandra Mangunwijaya (biasanya dipanggil Kala)
Kelas: XII IPA
Umur: 17
Ekskul: Seni/Mading

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This 900CE scroll shows abandoned tools become sentient, seek revenge on humans

They bump into a Japanese emperor who’s copy of the Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī sūtra (佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經) hurls fireballs, summons guardians to pacify the demons, and introduces them to chill Buddhism

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This week we have been celebrating Moana’s 4th year anniversary! Now, let us present the featured artists for the

Tessa Wijaya ,
Radha Yamini @ rad_art_1 (IG), Ashley Villers
and Fanni Gerber @ Ihlosih (IG).

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IFF: A Feast For Jackals Type-M
Upgrade Packages: IPS-N Sloped Plating, General Massive Systems "Overpower" Caliber Upscale
Weapons Load: SSC "Vijaya" Rocket Pods // SSC "Gandiva" SAAM Launcher // IPS-N "Decksweeper" Automatic Shotgun
Pilot: CWO Faris Ghazali

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Tomorrow on the we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of Kristen Ritter's debut as the superpowered PI by reviewing Season 1! We revisit the horror that is meet and spend time in Art by Varshavijayan

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Vijaya's parents, Merag and Arun Thradvir

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Ayo kenalan dengan Sri Asih.

Sri Asih adalah karakter ciptaan Alm. R.A Kosasih pada tahun 1954. Nama aslinya adalah Nani Wijaya. Anak dari orang kaya raya yang merupakan reinkarnasi Dewi Asih.

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I only did this for Halloween, Vijaya as a witch.


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The Sanskrit word Kavi is generally translated to the English word ‘Poet’. But ‘Kavi’ is a non-translatable word meaning many things including - wise, enlightened, gifted, skilful, knowing, thinker, seer, & a man of knowledge, understanding & intelligence.

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Wish you all a happy Vijayadashami.
Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswathi.

10% off on all Devi series prints -for today.

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Happy Vijaya Dasami/ Dusshera to all the Indian eries who are celebrating 🙏🎉

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Redid an old comic of mine. Just Vijaya being annoyed by a space calamari.

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