Greetings Just wanted to show this little before the hour is over :)

12 36

Finally made it back to Here's new card art for Immortal

5 7

Hi I haven't done much this week but am working on a new technique for creating voxel mountains

3 14

Hey We've been wrapping up work on the ice world. What's everyone else been working on?

6 17

Hi I made a new character model of The Adventurer for Let me know what you think!

4 15

Merry Christmas, Here's some Immortal card art by RING

6 9

Hey Can you give us some Monster Truck ideas for ? What would you want to play as? Thanks!

3 4

Ahoy! Bringing bits for :) Sea folk, growing trees and giant beach volley balls!

45 123

Hey I'm streaming shading a tree right now! Come and hang out if you want! :D

1 3

Wednesday = Q&A time! Ask away and you'll get a personal video response during

7 3

Ahoy This week got an early logo, boat upgrades, engines and chased sunsets! :)

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