many Linuses

I just... like.... drawing him im sorry..././

6 24

JNIS Latest Content
Shapiro et al review and describe the dural venous system (not the sinuses, but the dura itself!)

39 134

An older piece but I love it still
InuSess / inucest

35 216

“It clears the sinuses” 😂

0 20

// fnf
Minuses your masses

11 55

Once again not feeling good. Sinuses, migraine and nausea ...again. 2nd time this week my body has decided to turn against itself. Ugh

0 4

hello, im Abnormalworld, its nice to meet you guys, i would love to to trades or collabartion with someone. here are some of my favourite artists and few of my images

3 15

I'd like to exchange my dumb sinuses please for some that work properly. Woke up with a huge sinus headache and feel like I didn't sleep at all..

0 34

Hello ther my dearest mortal
I am feeling a tad thirsty~
Can i have a sip?
Actually- i dont need your permission~
I can see by the look in your want this~

Made by marinuse_ on fiverr

1 7

a new page is going to be coming out soon! It won't be out tonight as i have to head to bed early (plus my sinuses are KILLING ME) but expect it early tomorrow!

0 4

Dealing w/sinus pressure/headache & my face is flushed. Which is why I'm awake at 3:30 am. Along w/my usual aches.

2 9

Ended up ending stream early because of my head. I still had a great time even though focus was difficult.

Man stuffy sinuses suck

1 13

the muffin adds 1 point and the rock minuses 1 point
the last one is an unused sprite, i actually really like it but i cant be bothered to add it in
it was supposed to appear when bad gets 'hit' by a rock

0 6

Quick question for all my fellow Lords and Ladies. So I've been recasting a lot of my Twitch content on YouTube as regularly as I can. Is there any value to setting something as an instant premiere? What are some pluses and minuses? Comment below with any opinions/observations!

1 7

Can't wait to see the Bernie dolls! Hope your sinus headache eases up. I'm dealing w/sinuse headache as well so I can relate.

0 1