Help me, I've fallen on the inside
And all the men in cloaks trying to devour my soul...
Show me mercy...
More Johnny Depp fanart cause I can't stop.
Lyrics from Mercy by Muse 💖

0 7

Johnny Depp will never walk alone. he will always have us.

84 599

Just a few of Amber Heard's own words. Please listen to the tapes.

70 248

Meu Deus essa fanart me deixou em prantos 😭💔

(Créditos ao artista)

32 161

Lis Wonder, которую многие знают по косплеям на Чудо-женщину, опубликовала live-action арт момента, в котором Диана отрубает голову Меры. Девушка считает, что Эмбер Хёрд должна быть уволена из также, как и Джонни Депп, и мы с ней согласны! 🙂🙂🙂

3 32

Heartbreaking 💔
credit to xuugu (tumblr)

119 413

I've seen the headlines too. Including the fake ones.

What he is going though right now, is definitely hell.

22 111

Two iconic characters, Two losses, Two injustices.


15 59

Con lo que esta haciendo Warner queda claro que el feminismo es un movimiento acomodado en donde se privilegian a las mujeres solo por serlo, y se burlan en la cara de los hombres que son maltratados.

35 142

I thought I was mad on Monday.... now I'm livid.


2 14

We live in a world where victims are silenced and abusers gaslight, lie, bully and manipulate the media and justice system. I'm so sorry Johnny but we are with you, one man's opinion doesn't reflect ours.

30 101