ネクソンが2020年度第2四半期の連結業績を発表。「KartRider Rush+」「メイプルストーリー」,そして「アラド戦記」が業績を牽引 https://t.co/RkNpjRDrHj

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cheol but hes a kartrider racer🚗⚡️

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🏁 Introducing new tracks - “Namsan Tour” &“The Bridge of Fate” 🏞️ 🌉

Ready to race with us?

1951 3821

⛩️Poyo Everyone,⛩️
Tonight, if my 4g connection has no problem.
I will be live on 11:00PM CEST/2:00PM PTS
for play a new game as Nexon maked, it's
in close beta.

Don't forgfet everyone i love you all 🥰

3 8

카트라이더: 드리프트 티이라

0 1

🏁Attention Content Creators🔧

🏎️ Become part of the driving force behind a passionate team of content creators for the Pit Crew!! Members are eligible for special rewards and more!

APPLY HERE >> https://t.co/cr3x6lFvCf

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