For valentines day I chose my vsibs who announced they were happily engaged to draw \o/ For some reason I felt like Kina would be slightly reluctant to do a heart with Shirukua :3

Make sure to get your discounted chocolates tmrw! :D

2 21

Recent work by and co-authors sheds light on the activation of a plant immune signaling kinase. Read about it here:

4 26

Also this pink bitch named breakfast bestie kinassigned me shes silly I won’t touch her game w a ten foot pole but I appreciate her

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ちなみに AF2 が DFG-in (活性化型) 構造を生成しているので type-1 の kinase inhibitor ということになるだろうか。年始に出した クイズの LRRK2 でも AF2 は DFG-in を出してきたので type-2 の阻害剤のドッキングはうまくいかなかった。

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idk its a kinda weird game, there’s even like this pokemon trainer lookinass scientist guy in it too. maybe youve seen him before

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am I being kinassigned jyuto is that what happening rn

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Mary kinassigned me this one 🥺

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do this to my sonas pussy

🎨: @/kikinastii

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MOSTAZA from FunkinAside!
I said I'd draw him in December, then never got around to it
But, I'm really proud of what I got out of it! Ended up being really fun to draw!

4 20

whitty Aside but bad

4 39

My two favourite mods!!
I feel like Momochi and Nikku would absolutely get along. I'm also there cheering them on because I have neverending love for these mods <3 <3

6 31

yukinas summer casual outfit is so cute to me

14 22

Love this new tier list trend! If you've not met her before meet Ari, the Viera monk. A kind but headstrong girl who fancies herself quite the troll.

Art by: @/Zinnikitty @/AkinaSilver and Alif-Masra.

I used mostly different pictures of her so check reply if you wanna see more!

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Aatakinaso, a giant humanoid grasshopper and general city wreaking menace of the state of Amazonia. Original kaiju by yours truly.

4 7

its time to funkin aside, whitty is in his prime

had fun messing around with the lighting lol

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Nami and/or Miho, perhaps? A tomboy and/or a magical girl for your liking?
(Art by @/AkinaSilver, @/ferretwiki @/trashmuffin1, and Humite-Ube on DA)

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