Me in Jan 2020 vs Me in Dec 2020

Got promoted right as the year started, met a bunch of awesome people through work (from home), hair went wild, acquired more knives, skin cleared significantly ✨

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// knives, stitches

On a lighter note! I doodled a Nicole from Hungry Nicole :] Niru Kajitsu's songs are boppin'

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so suggested muscular woman, suggested knives, and suggested a revolver, so here's a bodybuilder lady with a knife and a gun

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If any of you don't know him yet, is a great vstreamer with a backstory that blew me away. And behind all the blood and knives, he's actually a really compassionate and understanding person!!

So here's one bloodstained blanket for the cozy squad. <3

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Moar Comm Updates, Moar Olmakhan

(The Law requires that i clarify; Those two items in the second picture are Native American style flint knives, and nothing else. XD)

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If she is able to though, she'd put pocket one of her knives, having a kind of dust core to them to act as grenades and detonate it at close range after pulling back. Not sure of the extent of Obsidious' semblance, but who knows, could work.

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Me, yelling over the noise of the rainforest: knives, please, can I get two knives?

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[cw // knives, blood]


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tw // knives, knife, blood, implied murder

Listen I know this is edgier than usual but take an edgy imposter jfk

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Как я сейчас расслабляюсь в свободное от работы и прочих ответственных штук время? Рисую с Даней хуйцы в рамках А что, очень медитативно. Рад возвращаться к любимым фендомам хотя бы в таком формате.
Themes: Outdoors, Knives, Toys.

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cw://knives, bondage
the monster under the bed (tsukkiyama?)

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TW: knives, horror theme, stitches(??), mask
Baby 🥰

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Old wip of my bladesmith nerd that I didn't finish. Her name is Erina Fabbrizi. Rival and frenemy to my gunsmith nerd, Nul Vuoto. Erina tends to make finely crafted knives, but likes recreating interesting bladed weapons she sees in old 80s magazines and movies. That or machetes

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cw: blood
Knives, like blades, should be handled with care.

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Inspired by Goya’s “Disasters of War” (left). On May 25, 2012 regime forces and Assadist armed with knives, murdered 100 civilians in .

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Tw: blood, knives, implied injury

A quick doodle of my OC Nail, in the spirit of the spooptober. I like having her be pretty conflicting...she's cute but 😬😬

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Day 9: Ritual Sacrifice

Tw: Blood, knives, gore

Sasha and Juhana('s hands). From my dramatic and dumb dog story. Aka " Don't trust your dentist cause he might just try to kill for a sacrifice."

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Day 5-7: Teeth, knives, and fungi.
Kept thinking about Last of Us and the Silent Hill games. Baby fungus dog thing I dunno. I want one.

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