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This happens when you play too much animal crossing😆 🦋Especially with giant rocks🤩
#adultlife #AnimalCrossing #butterflygarden #comicpanel #comics #comicstrip #humor #littleanimatedme #Net #originalcomic #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
Happy Star Wars Day✨🤩 This is a redo of my painting from 2018😊 I think this came out nice👍
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics #comicstrip #digitalpainting #humor #littleanimatedme #MaytheFourth #originalcomic #StarWarsDay #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
After all these puns, I'm feeling a bit left out to dry😆 Only one left🥳 This is one of my all time favorite puns🤩
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #laundry #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
I've always thought that moon jelly fish was a weird combination of words, so I drew it literally😆🌙🍮🐠What's your favorite jam😊
#adultlife #artisonaljams #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #moonjellyfish #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble
My Twitchy Eye has been a little annoying lately, he streams for hours👀😆
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #Eye #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #livestream #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #Twitch #webcomicsofinstagram
Don't you hate when that happens😆 I'm going to have to get that cavity filled🦷📲
#adultlife #bluetooth #comicpanel #comics #comicstrip #computerproblems #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #pear #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
What a bubbly joint🍺 At least they won't run out of soap in the bathroom🧼😆
#adultlife #barscene #bubbles #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #soap #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
Onions are multi-purpose vegetables, you can make dice, soup and jewelry with them🧅 Also, Thank you for 3k followers🤩🥳
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #jewelry #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #onions #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
How many of you have wanted to do this to your computer💻 I've had to hold back when my computer refuses to export my comic panels😡
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #computer #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #PCProblems #puns #speechbubble
Diced vegetables are good for more than just cooking 🎲Maybe don't use onions for Yahtzee though😭🧅
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #onions #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram #Yahtzee
Eye scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!! 🍦🧊👀 We're 2/3rds way through the pun special🤯
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #eyescream #humor #icecream #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
I went with a cheeky pun today😆 It popped in my head when I tried Affinity Designer the first time🍑
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics #comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #peachemoji #puns #speechbubble #tooshie #webcomicsofinstagram
I don't think I could make a Pun Special without this joke😆 Happy Sundae🍨😋
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #icecreamsundae #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #sunday #webcomicsofinstagram
Maybe we should water the grass more😅 It's a bit prickly 🌵
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #grass #humor #LAMPunSpecial #lawn #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
What's your favorite fruit🤔 Mine is strawberries and mango🍓🥭
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #strawberry #webcomicsofinstagram
Here's another favorite from the previous Pun Special🤩 Sometimes when you have a problem, it help to get to the route of it😊
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #rootoftheprobem #speechbubble #Travel
When the internet goes out, drastic times call for drastic measures😆🗞 We're two weeks into the special already🤯
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #fingerprint #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #newspapers #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
Redo from the previous pun special😄 I had an opportunity for a double pun so I went for it🙃😜
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #flies #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #sandwitch #speechbubble #timeflies #webcomicsofinstagram
Comment the emoji that shows your facial Qs😁😭🤬😜
#adultlife #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #expressions #facialcues #funnyfaces #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram
I wish my pants looked that good on me🐜😆
#adultlife #antsinyourpants #comicpanel #comics
#comicstrip #humor #LAMPunSpecial #littleanimatedme #originalcomic #puns #selfies #speechbubble #webcomicsofinstagram