“The Story so Far” Screenshot Challenge
Day 10: Free Company
Claustrum has alway been my home in FFXIV and it shall always been my home as I love each and every person in this FC family, all together as a family. <3

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🏖 Summer Season 2019 🏖
Finally got the overworked commander of knights away from the paperwork for a few relaxing days at the beach. The first of many more beach dates to come I hope~

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May FFXIVSnaps Screenshot Challenge
Day 30: Theatre
“If all the world is a stage, a knightess’s greatest performance is the mask she must wear in order to shield her heart from the suffering she must endure.”

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May FFXIVSnaps Screenshot Challenge
Day 13: Mountains
“Many miles have been spent traveling together, you and I, and many more miles will we share in the future as well, my noble steed.”

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May FFXIVSnaps Screenshot Challenge
Day 11: Grace
“With the grace of an angel, she dances amongst the clouds where dragons reign...”

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It's digifake time, all the time, with more of my new cat digimon, Charmon, now with 100% more champion stage... introducing Grimalmon : D Magical Mews

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Tamed Goten last night after receiving my last win in the Feast. He’s already my favorite of the three as he is so golden and beautiful. He’s made it to my favorites of mounts too!

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May FFXIVSnaps Screenshot Challenge
Day 1: Red

“Red is the color of fire, of passion, and of love. It is the color of strength and loyalty, but also of power. I shall always love these many shades of red.”

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My Suzaku doggo charm made by came in!! I love it sooo much :3 <3 Now I have my Wolfie in game and out of game! I’m so happy! <3 I love it!! <3

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🔥 Suzaku Kamuy Accqired! 🔥
I finally have my favorite Wolf mount! I had to get all 99 totems to get him, but I have tamed the great fire pup! :D I shall call him Kagari for “bonfire”. <3 ;w;

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Here is the video of the sketch of this reconstruction of a grazing Toxodon. Overall it took me like 10 minutes to sketch this. That’s all the time I had this morning to do my warmup sketch 😅 Done Im

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Butchie Björne Malmore the warlock: Normal and Parasite possessed side commision.
Commission requested by:

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“And thus the stars align. And so the journey continues...”

Took some pictures in the space arena when finishing up the Alphascapes. It’s such a beautiful view of the stars! <3 :3

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February FFXIVSnaps Screenshot Challenge
Day 21: Flight
“You once expressed an interest in sharing adventures with me, so join me in the skies for a flight upon dragon’s wings. It shall be an adventure to remember.”

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February FFXIVSnaps Screenshot Challenge
Day 19: Purple
“Bathed in the light of the Aery’s corruption, I shall press on through this fight until the battle is won...”

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February FFXIVSnaps Screenshot Challenge
Day 3: Pink
“Pretty in Pink while waltzing through the Plum Springs.”

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