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Yesterday was #pterosaur #tuesday (or #ptuesday?) so here's a #paleontology pun for my merch: https://t.co/1mjno2xawM
It may be inaccurate since maybe pterosaurs didn't straight up pee in a mammalian fashion (#scicomm). Still, I had the power to make it and I didn't stop.
Ours Gardien défendant son territoire.
Cet ours ne fait pas exactement partie des mammalia mais d’une autre classe que l’on découvrira à l’occasion grâce à son statut particulier dans le Bestiaire.
Prompted by @Tomozaurus's discussion on Godzilla origins, I was reminded of this evolutionary chart of Godzillas (showing them to have diverged from non-mammalian synapsids in the Triassic). Unfortunately, this does not look to be official.
A long-brewing plan steps into action, and one now makes her bid for control of the planet. The heroes of the past must work together to preserve their freedom.
#Wrongside #RTC #RingtailCafe #Mammalians #Sapiens #Comic #graphicnovel #furryart
look i understand mammalian wings are technically made out of hand skeleton but did they really have to give illidan's wings PALMS?
We even get a view into the anatomy of creatures. Like you can see what the common ancestor or Ferrucutus and Sylvaceratops must have been like. Tho it's a bit bad that some mammalian traits have slipped in, like the on the skull of Diablosaurus or the calcaneus of Sylva's leg.
New online: Calede & Samuels – A new species of Ceratogaulus from Nebraska and the evolution of nasal horns in Mylagaulidae (Mammalia, Rodentia, Aplodontioidea) https://t.co/Sl2B4trJ3I
This world has known much about war; the most recent battle has left the Sapiens in shambles, with the Mammalians victorious.
#Wrongside #RTC #Ringtailcafe #Comic #Mammalians #GraphicNovel #AmandaPayne #furryartwork #Sapiens #furryart
I can start off! This is Tamols, he’s a Sykrin which are a semi-closed species of mammalian snakes made by @seafloof, a fact about me is that I’m a third year music major! I’m contacted in a drum corps for the next two years where I play mellophone! But my main instrument is sax
This world has known much about war; the most recent battle has left the Sapiens in shambles, with the Mammalians victorious. Five years later, a long-brewing plan steps into action.
#Wrongside #RingtailCafe #comics #graphicnovel #Mammalians #RTC
Actually pretty happy with how this turned out given that mammalian animal folks are not my forte.
#werewolf #monstergirl
'Tis the season when Roe #deer start shedding velvet, revealing fresh #antlers. While growing, antlers are liberally supplied with blood bringing nutrients & making them the fastest growing mammalian tissue. Makes them glow on #thermal images, too! @BritishDeerSoc @TheDailyDeer
Now that I’ve been a complete downer, here are a few things I made recently that were actually fun and successful!
1. Meme summarizing the activity
2-3. New romantic card design (humor assumes understanding of fish vs mammalian anatomy/physiology
4. Costume wolf tail (faux fur)
名:霜乃瀬 璃菜
界:動物界 Animalia
門:脊索動物門 Chordata
亜門:脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata
綱:哺乳綱 Mammalia
目:ネコ目 Carnivora
科:イヌ科 Canidae
属:キツネ属 Vulpes
種:アカギツネ V.vulpes
亜種:キタキツネ V.v.schrencki
学名:Vulpes vulpes schrencki
This world has known much about war; the most recent battle has left the Sapiens in shambles, with the Mammalians victorious.
#Wrongside #Ringtailcafe #comic #Mammalians