today is the day we see wahoo yahoo yippie man going all "it's a me, a Mario." in the most basic non Italian voice ever.
Daily 9// Princess Peach from Guardians of the Galaxy

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Por un lado ando algo emocionado por el trailer/teaser de Mario....por el otro lado.....tengo miedo....y mucho

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"It's a me, a Mario."

Frankly, I’m simultaneously excited and nervous for the upcoming trailer that’s coming out tomorrow… hopefully it’s worth something.

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Jour 1: Mario.
Que dire, une explosion de nostalgie dans cette toile qui fait ressortir en elle même une œuvre dantan. Un réel hommage à l'enfance tout en ayant une patte de l'artiste somptueuse et novatrice qui en inspirera peut-être bientôt la firme du plombier.

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Bon, c'est parti pour un avec une liste avec des amis. J'aurais probablement pas le temps d'en faire tous les jours, et je les posterai peut-être pas tous ici. En attendant, le premier thème est simple : Mario. Autant partir dans du Mario halloween pour le mois !

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(8). Dimentio from Super Paper Mario.

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hoy no sabemos que traje ponernos, Así que sacamos todos del armario.
art by Kris Anka

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"You tried to FUCK me!"
As promised, here's Secret Histories Mario.
I loved trying out this type of shading.

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Just watch, as Chris Pratt ends up blowing everyone's minds. With a legitimately unique yet fantastic portrayal of Mario.

Just watch...

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During a day at the lake, Mario became smitten with a sunbathing Shantae and talked to her, but Boopkins was there as well. The two fought over her until Shantae proposed a contest, Mario ended up winning Shantae over and Boopkins became sad as the genie flirted with Mario.

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j'ai aussi fait Mario.

lui il est plutôt boissons énergisantes de g4m3r

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this next challenge was very funny... but bonds aren't looking too good.... im worried for mario...

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WOW I really chunked up Mario.

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No but Nurse Peach was THERE with the original Dr. Mario. And at what point does the Dr. Mario we know get shafted for Modern Dr. Mario?

How much dr. mario lore have I MISSEd my head hurts.

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Au delà de son côté "anti Peach", Bowsette devient presque un objet de fantasme pour de nombreuses personnes.

Les dessinateurs s'en donnent à coeur joie, lui attribuant des formes qu'on ne verrait pas dans un univers comme celui de Mario.

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I'd apologized for posting George's bday pic 2 months late due to sidetracking and real life stuff. Second pic is Fred Moore-stylized Mario. I know its better late than never, but stuff happens you know. :)

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I've made my own Version of Mario's first 'Walk' Sprite from Hotel Mario. I also used his Cartoon Design as I thought it looked nice!

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Obey Wario and/or Destroy Mario.

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Here is my OC for MTMB, her name is Zephyrine. She's a warrior who's undercover and found Luigi wounded, she takes him into her place to recover him. They met and decide to work together to look for Mario. But she has secrets to hide from.

This is for

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