📚 Beck T7-8 - Harold Sakuishi
« Si je commence à trop réfléchir sur la vie et la mort, je risque de ne jamais choisir la bonne direction »

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Hey! I'm Mort, I do traditional and digital art inspired by fantasy and macabre themes ✨💕

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Milo is a half-dragon, half-human who uses the Filipino martial art arnis to fight. He’s smort, athletic and pretty short, not gonna lie. Him and Santiago are really close.

Last na to pramis HAHAH

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Billy Wilder, né le 22 juin 1906. Assurance sur la mort, Le Poison, Boulevard du crépuscule, Stalag 17, Sabrina, Certains l'aiment chaud..

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Hi! I'm Mort, a traditional and digital artist inspired the the magical and macabre 💕

I don't really have a favourite band, but I've been listening to a lot of Heilung and Grimner recently ✨

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I will start off! I'm Mort, a self-taught digital artist. I want to grow a larger following so I can have more fun with people and support them through similar artshares!

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Boop! I'm Mort, I'm a self-taught artist that does digital illustration. I'm a student, drawing is a really nice hobby for me!

Go give more love, she deserves it! She's great at using color and painting 💖

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Yoink! I'm Mort, a self-taught artist that does digital illustration. I have much to learn, but am slowly getting to the point i wanna be with my art.

I wanna grow my twitter following so I can interact with more fun people!

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“The Marriage of Death”, from Adventures Into The Unknown (June, 1950). A woman marries Jack Mort, only to find that he is the Grim Reaper himself. After a wild night, she wakes up in a mortuary, and then things get REALLY crazy 😈🖤💀

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Le commissaire San-Antonio prend du bon temps en Bretagne !

Quand un marin breton est retrouvé mort, San-A mène l’enquête, entre ivrognes, veuve nympho et marins intrépides !

SAN-ANTONIO, T2 - SI MA TANTE EN AVAIT de M. Sanlaville, en librairie !
👉 https://t.co/HS0LNMT2Gz

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Je suis mort, la phase qui fonctionne toujours pour obtenir ce qu'ils veulent les gamins

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Œuvre 160/366
Mirosław Iskra
Le monde des Morts regorge de mystères et est sujet à diverses interprétations. Ici, on peut ressentir le poids pesant de la Mort, son caractère étouffant, macabre et oppressant.

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Hoi, hoi!

I'm Mort, I do digital art with a pinch of traditional here and there. I'm self-taught and still learning plenty of things. I wanna grow a bigger following on twitter to get my name out there a bit more!

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I'm Mort, I mostly do DnD digital art but also dabble in fanart from time to time!

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Jour 3 : Hitomi Yûhi est bisexuelle ! La romance n'est pas sa préoccupation principale, mais entre deux situations de vie et de mort, elle a le temps de tomber amoureuse ♥

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Hi! I'm Mort, a traditional and digital artist inspired by the mystic and macabre ✨
I'm selling original oil paintings and a couple of prints at:

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29 de maio de 1993

Há 27 anos Harry Potter descobre que Tom Riddle era Lorde Voldemort, derrota o basilisco criado por Salazar Slytherin e destrói uma das Horcruxes criada pelo bruxo das trevas.


160 992

Congrats on 400!

I'm Mort, I do all sorts of fantasy and macabre inspired art ✨

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Hey! I'm Mort, here are some of my recent faves! 💕
I tag:

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Anecdote sur :

Adriel et Emeth (conversos), sont deux noms d'origine hébraïque :
Adriel signifie "troupeau de dieu" ou "aide de dieu", c'est l'un des anges de la mort, gardien du ciel
Emeth veut dire "vérité". Il est inscrit sur le front du golem pour qu'il soit docile

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