슈퍼주니어 데뷔 12주년★정규8집 ‘플레이(PLAY)’ 컴백 大축하🎉
(eiicharu님addybarabashkalee님mininattie님의 팬아트입니다. https://t.co/1LP69QbZA0)

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[FANART] Lotte Duty Free - Cute chubby KYU 😂😂😍😍
[by: mininattie]

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Jean-Marc Nattier - Scène galante, 1744.

I wish all a nice weekend! I’ll be back Wednesday afternoon. 🍃🌸🍃 Hugs!❤

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*Airona by mu-ra 渋谷ヒカリエShinQs店


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were allowed to post our entries, so heres my full piece for kaze and natties niles fanzine :')

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Prima ti ignorano, poi ridono di te
poi ti combattono Poi vinci


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by pinksananattie He'll be the death of me someday...for reals 😍

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Jean-Marc Nattier, 1685-1766,French Rococo Era Painter, Louise-Anne de Bourbon-Conde, called Mlle. de Charolais, 1731

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