Yalashi Peachblossom is an NPC in my fancomic, and I generated her in character creation for ref screenies and later on a secondary account just for kicks and giggles.

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I designed a couple of nice outfits for Zorek in live, though there was no way to get the Highwayman or Formal costume unlocks on my secondary accounts. But that's what fLex Fashion is for! :D

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Zorek Silverbloom, my Aurin engineer—I made the original version (just for creation codes) well before I ever unlocked the option. I also did an outfit mockup for him.

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Fanart of Wisteria, and some more screenshots. Yep, there was a Twilight Sparkle mount in the game! XD

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Some of Rhetnarel's outfits. A would-be matria needs fancy clothes!

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I don't think I RPed Rhetnarel much at all, mostly just wrote them into fanfiction, but they're NB (they/them pronouns), are a decent psychic but prefer shooting things, and hope to someday become a matria.

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My first actual finished/coloured WS fanart if I recall correctly, and Kelinarick's adventures with my BFF's character Kai Razorleaf.

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Chyasha (chai-AH-shah) Greygale/Graygale (never decided on a spelling) would've been my Aurin warrior if we'd had that option. I dressed up another toon in fLex Fashion for an outfit mockup that I could use as an art reference.

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Live version of Adrisha. I swapped out the purple skin tone for bronze, kept everything else.

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seems like NC is remastering other PC MMORPGs it owns ,besides Blade&soul

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되게 오래전에 한 작업인데 오랜만에 한번 정리했습니다~😄
일본쪽 クロノ ブリゲード 의 작업이었습니다(서비스는 끝난듯합니다) ⓒ NCsoft japan

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Mizuki chan - SnowyDragon
its still the best game of all.
thanks ncsoft


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My last project Inspired by Aion's art <3 !
One day I will draw for ncsoft ! It's my High goal😇
btw I hope you like it ♫

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I will always remember the beginning of Classic! This is my elfie Elmyra back in her newbie days when everyone had no grade and full parties to fight lvl20 mobs! 😅

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Hey NCSOFT, remember these? We do.

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