Крутецкий хоккей для всех, кто любит старый хоккей из серии Nekketsu, где от попадания шайбы у чуваков глаза выкатывались. Тут шайбами можно ломать врагов, разбивать их яички и так далее. А свою команду уголовников накачать наркотой.

Надеюсь, серия расширится до футбола.

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Je suis un auteur de manga amateur, je publie sur le site mangadraft et mon manga ce nomme Wizard Order, c'est un Shonen Nekketsu dans un univers de magie.
Je dessine aussi actuellement un one shot pour le concours Tezuka

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did this amazing and gorgeous pic of Himbo Hutts relaxing! And...he's nekked too. Whoops. But that's okay! Come play some games with him. 💕💕💕

Thanks so much for this awesome art piece!!!

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Kizumonogatari II : Nekketsu-Hen illustration by Taisuke Iwasaki

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A melhor oneshot e sensei wa nekketsu ga arreba juubunda
Eu fico triste que seja uma oneshot mas feliz pq se tivesse mais esse professor iria morrer kkkkkkkkkk tadinho dele

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Dia 24 - Melhor BL one-shot:
- Sensei wa Nekketsu ga Areba Juubunda.
Essa é a minha one-shote mais recente por isso escolhi ela👉👈

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Dia 24 - Melhor BL one-shot

Inicialmente escolhi Sensei wa Nekketsu ga Areba Juubunda!, mas to boiolinha hoje e não pude deixar esse one-shot que me fez desidratar. Leiam Natsu no Saigo por favooor!!

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Oalah kewan2 yg lainnya mumpet.. hasem ya aku ra seneng nek dingenekke.. ketok bodo

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Nishimura Naritaka (Rocko) WIP. Decided to attempt digitally inking some of the head sketches of the bosses in River City Ransom (Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari). Done part of a test art stream this past saturday using openCanvas7.

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Suprise nekked raptor RAWR! >:3

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🌸🌸DAY 7🌸🌸
🌸BL Manga you like only because of the sex scene❗❗❗

Since idk japanesse language and just enjoying sex Scene so I decide it will be "Sensei wa Nekketsu ga Areba Juubunda!"

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Item artwork from ‘Nekketsu Fighting Legend’, a spinoff of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ games. https://t.co/5biOTeWKiS

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Character artwork from ‘Nekketsu Fighting Legend’, a spinoff of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ games. https://t.co/oXBRv8jtgO

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Character artwork from ‘Nekketsu Fighting Legend’, a spinoff of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ games. https://t.co/ZqzpdgwEWj

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Character artwork from ‘Nekketsu Fighting Legend’, a spinoff of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ games. https://t.co/6HMXSbH6lw

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Character artwork from ‘Nekketsu Fighting Legend’, a spinoff of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ games. https://t.co/TUhMm8ozgN

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Character artwork from ‘Nekketsu Fighting Legend’, a spinoff of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ games. https://t.co/CQ0xMPGLG7

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‘Nekketsu Fighting Legend’, a spinoff of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ games. This is also in the ‘Double Dragon & Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler‘ in English! This was the cover artwork. https://t.co/UZ5kicDbqv

9 24

Rough Draft Snekker body. We going full walk legs or we going with a Lamia long snake body? they're a coffee barist. Also, may remove boob later. Who knows.

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