hello i’m pissed i drew the ears but it just got covered lmao

17 122

Happy Valencrimes ♥️ wwwww i’m late i didn’t expect to be busy on the 14th but hey Hythlo won the poll ⊙ω⊙

1670 3946

today’s unnecessary challenge doodle
draw the whole thing using this one airbrush
mi son 🐰

56 315

saw the GG announce i haven’t seen Baiken since high school glad to see both she and Anji made it haha
quick doodle (idk her new outfit wew)

100 296

“lol they roasting u in the QRTs”
i been practicing with smooth colorings but ah texture is life lol

51 265

doodle of my new casting glam that i rly like lol
the top is undyeable so imma have to find an alternative soon (◦´꒳`◦)

21 75

thank u for the reference meel

13 78

challenging his balance and brawn yes

24 114

viera can’t wear hats so i put two on
happy starlight (◦´꒳`◦)
thanks for the secret date route this event ffxiv lmao

29 108

i have no reason for this i just wanted a drawing done on 12022021 ⊙ω⊙
“Hear, Feel, Chug”

42 93

i keep forgetting to draw my bnnuy’s side burns

11 67

lost internet earlier so i drew eggnog cookie and now it’s 2 hours later :(((

269 1161