And finished the coloration, right version are lineart only. Thanks for photo references 👌

18 152

The somewhat different The Dark Knight Rises. They would have SO worked together to take Bane down...before Joker possible backstabbed Bruce at the end? Would have loved to see that... 🥺 well..oh well 💕😢  

27 128

HappyBatJokes Day, actually it was yesterday but I couldn’t manage in time, so have some late contribution for it with my favorite TDK ship 🥰

16 99

Not a mirror but something similar 😢🥺😍 thank you for this lovely prompt, hope you like so far 💕

10 48

And finished :) some fanart for one of my favorite fanfictions „Beneath the Surface“ readable here: if anyone knows the author please tell her/him, i love her/him for creating this 😭🥰

12 69

Productive day today 💪 next part for and such an important one. Hope you enjoy, more to follow as soon as possible :D

20 78

Just wanna try it out but it felt more like „face TDK Joker art“ 😂 but it’s a nice collage indeed 😊😋

10 71

I think in their strange way of having a relationship they agreed that Joker at least doesn’t kill or injury people but well... I think he still having trouble handling his urge to set things on fire so this is his way of saying: I’m sorry? 😂

15 67

And the final part for this short story. Yes, my Joker got a name. His real name and it’s making him so much more personal🥺 I’ll tell in other stories what I think his pastlife could have been, so stay prepared. Thank you for reading this shorty.

25 104

nolanverse au where harvey dent dies and rachel gets half her face burnt off instead and sometimes wears an ill fitting prosthetic. becomes two-face but only physically. her psyche stays intact if a bit unhinged sometimes

1 0

Somehow I have the feeling my latest pictures could be a running continuation story. First they fight, than they apologize and then they cuddle as it seems 😂😭 also was right with the cape ;)

28 115

A lovely conversation with turned into this little fanart here. I just love Jokers pleading face, like: please just can you let me in? And Bruce’s just like: ...NO! Sometimes I just can’t take my own art serious anymore😂

30 125

I just love drawing Gotham at Nightlife, so much beautiful lights 💕 Have some Batman vs Joker Encounter for your timeline, hope you enjoy 😋

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