18. Super-Saurian Neck Bashing. Supersaurus can swing its' immense neck with some considerable force, as this overambitious Allosaurus has found out the hard way.

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Carnotaurus // Dinovember 2021 - Day 29
Making the Dinovember list by p.uco on Instagram 🐊
Days I WON'T be making : 3 - 4 - 11 - 16 - 17 - 19 - 24 - 27

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day 29 :"Precious"
For day 29 of we have an unnamed skull fragment, with nothing special about it, except for the the fact that if the current interpretation is right, belongs to the largest ever, so yeah, no big deal

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A Gorgonops (gorgon face) returns to the cave it cached leftovers from an earlier meal. These therapsids existed 250 MYA during the Late Permian.

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Ankylosaurus // Dinovember 2021 - Day 28
Making the Dinovember list by p.uco on Instagram 🐊
Days I WON'T be making : 3 - 4 - 11 - 16 - 17 - 19 - 24 - 27

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Combination of Day 26 Grooming Reaper: Erliansaurus and Day 27 Bactro/Alectro: Nest-Building

A Erliansaurus eating leafs while an Alectro is spying on a Bactro that has sticks for its already built nest and a broken legged Neimongosaurus trying to become blind

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day 27: Gerrothorax
Ok, i dont want to sound like this is a perfect being, BUT , a species does not last 35 million years by accident, so yeah, nothing but respect for Mr. Toilet head (also known as for the 27 of

17 57

16. Coastal Zby. A Zby goes for a swim in the shallows along the Lourinha coastline, while a pair of Nannopterygius come to investigate.

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DAY 27: Chat

which E are you?

14 95

15. The next BOSS BATTLE: Industrial Titan. While not exactly steampunk, a huge Giraffatitan emerging from the mist while snorting clouds of steamh breath is pretty reminiscent of an industrial colossus itself. https://t.co/lAYCceX987

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day 26: Metoposaurus
Its time for day 26 of and who do we have but a quintessential know from mass graves from all over Europe

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Combination of Day 24 Sword and Shield: Thyreophorans and day 25 Ancient Thunder: Suuwassea & The Lesser Sauropods

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day 25: Aphaneramma
Comming from day 25 of we have the sea dweller from all over the coast of Pangea, the gharial mimic, from the early triassic of pretty much half of the world

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