Hi i'm Lylianna a french baby artist and i love making nanoblock and drawing tattoos and characteres !

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uh yeah y'know what's gonna happen after you posted THOSE, NOW GIMME UR USER IN ROBLOCK NOW

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cw eye gore // These are 2011-2012 (not optimized for twitter, we'll see how bad the cropping is LOL) That homestuck pic was in the WP store for a while, and in the first HS calendar! 2nd was my 1st linoblock print & start of OCs. 3rd is Motorcity fanart. 4th was a sad astronaut!

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I was looking at those new nanoblock sonic figures and looks like they have new Uekawa art on them. This sonic looks to be a recreation of this Sonic Channel art from 2007. Uekawa has definitely improved! I'll post the rest of the art below.

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Hi i'm Lylianna a french baby artist ! I like drawing and making nanoblock, papercraft and cosplay !

0 1

Heya ! Merci pour le thread, je suis une baby artist, jaime beaucoup dessiner, je fait aussi du nanoblock, du papercraft et un peu de cosplay !

0 5

Hi i'm Lylianna a french baby artist and i love drawing ! I make nanoblock, papercraft and Cosplay

0 1

Hi i'm Lylianna a french baby artist ! I like drawing, I make nanoblock, papercraft and Cosplay !

1 2

Thanks for the thread !!
I'm Lylianna a french baby artist ! I draw, paint, made nanoblock, papercraft and cosplay !

0 1

Hi ! Thanks for thats! I'm Lylianna a french baby artist !
I draw, make papercraft, nanoblock and cosplay !

2 9

Hello, je fait du dessin, du papercraft ainsi que des nanoblock !

1 1

Mdr je viens juste de tomber sur ton tweet !
Je m'appelle Lylianna j'ai 23 ans et je suis une baby artist
Je dessine, peint, fait des nanoblock et du papercraft !

1 1

Chao decorates the LEGOblock of Knuckles' shoes with flower parts!!


953 2891

Je précise que je fait du dessin, du cosplay, du papercraft ainsi que du nanoblock !

0 6

Good, saved me the trouble.

Any @ that has a '___lovesyouu' or any variant will get an autoblock.

I recommend blocking/muting anyone with the same @'s. Don't engage, just block and go. It's 2020, leave them be.

13 57

Use your digital collectible map styles to customize your ArWrld experience!


$land $eth

4 5

I got to name a houndoom in jooblocke, obviously I named it after the stinkhead and she managed to be on the winning team

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大人でも楽しめる!世界最⼩級ブロック「nanoblock」より『キャラナノ エヴァンゲリオン2号機』 が2020年4⽉25⽇発売! - https://t.co/8U2RlUcCPs

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