I've drawn so many ducks in the last few years! Specially for books like this one by and the Birds of the
*Lophodytes cucullatus

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Ocellus: I’m Ocellus.

Sandbar: Hi, I’m Sandbar!

Smolder: Name’s Smolder, and that’s Silverstream.

Silverstream: Oh my goodness! A real lion cub! He’s so adorable!

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Smolder: Oh Unikitty! You’re back, and with your Valentine!

Silverstream: Guys! Unikitty’s back!!

*the rest of Unikitty’s classmates come rushing out to see her*

Ocellus: Hi Unikitty!

Yona: *she was so excited, she trips and rolls out of control right into Unikitty*

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*it was the three day weekend at Twilight’s school of friendship, the teachers (Lachlan and the girls) went on a cruise together, leaving the seven students at the school in their dorms, Gallus, Ocellus, Sandbar, Silverstream, Yona and Smolder seem excited*

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Spoilers for Generations.

But I think Ocellus is just excited to have a teacher that looks similar to her. With that being said Black Belle has a long way to learn about friendship.

//Also 🚫do not 🚫ship you heathens and read the comics //

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pic 1 color is based off of Hydrophis ocellatus

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Unikitty: *she does her best to remain confident, but when Spike calls out who will be whose partner, the confidence is suddenly bent*

Spike: ...Silverstream and Gallus, Smolder and Ocellus, Yona and Sandbar...

*guess Unikitty still doesn’t have a partner yet*

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OCELLUS AND SUCROSE theyd nerd out together aaaa

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Originally born as a little Gag (The Pikachu face man), this is a concept that evolved into a FULL-FLEDGED Family; I present to you the "Ocellos" family, who, with the exception of the Wife, suffers from a peculiar Eye condition called "otiosumartifex", that makes them beady!

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In Monocell and Chromoplasm collections, subdivision algorithm forms the first step in form creation. Two primitives are Platonic solids, a box and a dodecahedron. But, to create dynamic we had to go beyond the standard mesh geometry and invent something new.

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Just aquesta setmana he tancat uns dibuixos i adaptacions de les nostres necròfagues que sen van volant cap als Una feineta més de difusió i sensibilització!

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【22動漫節】「TSUKIPRO」重磅回歸「ICHIBAN JAPAN日本館」😍😍

情人節前夕,月野藝能事務所旗下「Six Gravity」、「Procellarum」、「SOARA」、「Growth」、「SolidS」和「QUELL」6組偶像團體,將帶來演唱會動畫特別剪輯版,他們將輪番登台唱跳演出,陪大家度過最熱情也最暖心的情人節💋

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⛰PROYECTO OCELL⛰ (O el Osel para los sevillanos)

⛰Pseudo retelling que se parece ya muy poco al cuento original.
⛰Magia retorcida, de la que se te mete bajo la piel y hace daño.
⛰Mucho anhelo y recuerdos (y muaks, muaks).
⛰Señoras que pegan hostias y dan abrazos.

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45. Kerfuffle
44. Ocellus
43. Princess Celestia
42. Cheerilee
41. Babs Seed

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twitch emotes for xset cryocells✨
any support appreciated

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Hahahahahaha Shun!!

Also, Gravi = high-class vampires and Procella = princes. I can not unsee this now. I blame my TL for this.

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Els són un grup d'ocells fascinant! Tamborilers pica-soques, omplen les oides a mode de batucada dels qui els escolten entre l'arbrat. Ara podeu comprar la làmina dels picots ibèrics (incloses Canàries i Nord d'Àfrica) a https://t.co/cqxMUVeaSu!

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Silverstream: Oh come on you guys! He’s not THAT bad, is he? I mean, he’s not perfect, but he tries his best!

Ocellus: I don’t think it’s a good idea to be talking about this, what if he’s listening to us in the hallway?

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