Ontario needs bold leadership & political imagination in provincial election season.

These aren’t normal times.

There are examples of coalitions and inter-party collaboration that can (and must) be used as inspiration. Otherwise we’re all screwed.

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Now available for preorder via https://t.co/z3O8xZouN2, our new book showcasing men's adventure magazine by Samson Pollen, POLLEN IN PRINT 1955-1959. The limited edition hardcover comes with a set of five of Sam's 8" x 10" reference photos.

0 1

Here's an editorial I did for Toronto Times a few weeks back. rents skyrocket! Just wondering how anyone can afford rent.

1 6

The written out of history. In 1938, a grandmother created one of biggest shocks – but it was attributed to the US painter For Kelly Grovier explores the influence of https://t.co/NEcRopdAvl

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Please give a follow to Jackson Pollock if you are not following already

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