the cutest terf oppressor around >:3

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Gaido Xin is the ancient alien legend of lost warriors who rose up against an oppressive warlord. On earth, a new group of warriors rises up to remind their oppressors why you should fear the Lost Warriors. FEAR THE GAIDO XIN! only on

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When an oppressor wants to exploit a people, they start by making you feel small.. calling you s**tholes.. so that you under sell the value of your minerals, and underestimate the rich value of your people. Africa let's not be discouraged or fooled, let us know our value!🙌🏾👌🏾

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"Let's take this to the top, my brothers! Let's overthrow our human oppressors!"

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"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

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la parola d’ordine degli oppressori è sempre la stessa: Noi facciamo la storia

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A quote from Julie Taymor (my notes from her lecture)

Oppressors fear art.

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