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As the book has been released, I can finally show the whole artwork I painted as a cover for A.Sciascia (Xiao)'s book: 'Xiao e la ricerca della fonte suprema', a lovely fantasy novel for children, edited by 😊 ❤

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also... it was going so gradually, but ??
my progress of drawing anime faces overall and ashura's face especially through the last year

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Green Hoodies

bbpanzu Edd, Online Edd and Enraged Artist Edd

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Hay skyverse gang so i decided to change up sasha's pocket checkmark thing to just a neat symbol on the overalls just cuz the pocket was a bit tedious to draw and i like to keep my designs nice and simplee

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I’m just horrible at posting stuff I work on tbh- some more final concepts for my film I’m working on. I think I finally got closer to the overall look I want 👍🏽🌙⭐️❤️

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I've been working on a Cartoon featuring A Boy (Scott) and his loyal dog (Buster) Scott's got a overactive imagination and usually gets into trouble, with Buster usually having to try and get him out of whatever mess he ends up in.

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Bluey (O)

Snickers and Honey have to be my favourite Bluey friends, if not kid side dogs overall.
Snickers 'couse, come on look at him, while Honey she... she sucks So-BAD doing animal Impressions compared to EVERYONE Else, but she compensate it with her AMAZING building skills.

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Bust for of his kickass Owlin, Duskplume! I'm grateful that I was chosen to paint a new token of him with his galaxy eye,, this character was SO fun to paint overall :-)

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Twitch: https://t.co/2FjZi2XFXm

Youtube/Archive: https://t.co/WAmthY68O3


(art from @/Folkdude_Philip, @/pumpkinsareholy and @/atan_v2 )

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Suisei Overalls No.2 WIP

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1枚目:キュロット風民族衣装(Culottes-style ethnic clothing)素敵だったから貼っておく
2枚目:オーバーオールビキニ(overalls bikini)欲しい人向け

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Looks a little softer than her utau look w more details / overall white colour, but the belt sleeve bits, boxy cut and BIG STOMPY BOOTS balance it out nicely. The vague marching band uniform vibes r such a neat callback(?) to the origin story of Tetopettenson... I LOVE HER

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Wanted to draw his bald spot
And just overall closeup of his head
Playing with what if alt colors

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I'm currently looking for a voice for my next kpop lore video! ✨
# of Lines: 1 & 1/2
Pay: $10 overall

This is his character (right is who he's based off off). I'll be using the lines from the webtoon, The Star Seekers to put into my lore video.

Demo Reels in comments. Thanks!

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Aww happy birthday my mate! May this year overall be better for you. ^^/

(Can't lie I'm having hard time finishing this quest cuz it's a rare opportunity for taking chilamber pics aha haa sobs).

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