Assets n stuff for vid about his cool new show! 🎉+ BG of the big panning shot by the lovely 👌

5 49

Shay! Fuckborne NPC. A mysterious person with strange healing powers, and ties seemingly spanning the whole of Yharnam. Met as a jovially antagonistic stranger, they are learning to enjoy someone else's company... and their own humanity.
(art + )

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sussy pippa will always live in you vents
......and walls

happy anniversary schizo buny yabbet

7 86

Since we got through them in the stream, time to upload.

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pippa anniversary drawings
pippa play JRPGs already.

24 178

Kind of forgot to upload this earlier.
It's not strictly anni themed, but I haven't been able to draw a casual Pip in a while, man.

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Meanwhile, in another world…

Is that THE Bird Prisoner, the famous Vtuber from Connect Phase? And her rabbit, PP?

Celebrating a successful hopefully the first of many!

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is the subject of my first painting in years. We love you Pippa, happy anniversary!!

My hand cramped up, but let's go training arc!

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✨An era-spanning celebration: Star Wars 25! -

1 1

I had my previous profile pic for 4 years already. There was a time I drew a new one every month a long time ago. This is the start of some fresh art, I have a few others I'm working on. Based on another image of a forest-burning rabbit. MINECRAFT PACT LOVE

14 88

Burgeaux has a GOOD amount of scars.
The ones spanning large areas are burn scars he received from a restaurant accident where fryer oil splashed across his eye, hands, and torso. The smaller ones are from when he participated in underground fight clubs to make ends meet!

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Giovanni Paolo Panini (17 June 1691 – 21 October 1765) was an Italian painter and architect. Giovanni Paolo Pannini by Blanchet,,
A Concert Given by the duc de Nivernais to mark the Birth of the Dauphin,1751 at Waddesdon Manor

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🎨 Italian painter and architect, was 17 June 1691.

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