Can't take my eyes off you, so look at you silently when you're not paying attention..

71 81

the one who can let you get a huge crush on, maybe.. just only Kuanlin..

67 111

At first, Kuanlin seemed to want to sit next to Jihoon,but Daniel pulled Kuanlin's hand suddenly, finally Kuanlin sat next to Daniel, and Jihoon sat behind them. So we can notice that Kuanlin turn to talk to Jihoon at some moments.

99 116

We know that Jihoon was very happy when he met V on the stage. After they took photos, Jihoon seemed to look for Kuanlin, and then walked near Kuanlin silently. Finally,they walked together as usual..^^
( happy ending^^)

127 163

The same feeling...
Jihoon looked at Kuanlin as usual When Kuanlin made the speech.

248 170


651 255

It seems to be their special habit, just belongs to Jihoon and Kuanlin❤

183 132


1844 666

วันนั้นฉันคงสิ้นชีพ 5555555

ฝากน้องจีฮุนเก็บภาพแทนด้วยนะะ //-//

1305 498



913 420