Wip Anjay.
Ga selesai2 hehe(ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻

1 38

Kemaren udah gambar kakaknya, sekarang adeknya! Hope u like it 💛!

More chibis to come 😉

9 71


My # :

🍀 ー General stuffs
🍀 ー Fanarts
🍀 ー Singing
🍀 ー Livestream stuffs or clips
🍀 ー Meme me
ー Chloe's Draw

2 32

Nurutin janji buat dedekk :3
Janji dr Selasa,
Nggambarnya sih lumayan cpt, tp ngumpulin niatnya yg lama xD

Anyway, shall I continue the other apron ver?
Kalo byk yg minta (maybe 50RT? +restu Papa?) gaskeun! xD

5 38

Tema : VTuber with Digimon!!
with Morphomon
with Culumon
with Musimon
with Lopmon X Antibody

11 58

Thanks for the stream!
It was fun..

For you who couldn't watched the stream.. the archive is available on :

Next time i want to draw other vtubers except my kids

11 132

Moment kamu disihir Chloe jadi...
(Isi sendiri diKomentar)
Ps : yg komen jd suami, husbando, pacar nya Kuroe, AKU BONK!! :U

9 39

Chloe, Lily , dan ............rey

6 60

Tried drawing This is an experimental style and also my first dip into Procreate on iPad. Drawing this was quick and fun.

I've loved her design since I first saw the announcement.

7 29

Aku diapain ini...
tapi gapapa...
karena~ senyumannya uwu sekali >///<

7 27

Ada yang baru jadi paisen nih 👀

Selamat atas debutnya buat adek-adek epeeel!! They're all cutiees (handsome for Rey only eheheh) I instantly love them.

Enjoy banget nontonin debut stream mereka kemarin 💕✨

18 208

Pawapua meracik potion(?). Pawapua is such a fun name to say. Pawapua hehe

4 46

Here are some screenshots of (Ku-ro-e??)
with additional one (her as grand sorcerer)
Selamat atas debutnya ya, Chloe | '-')b
(Idk why I kept copy/pasting the same word, but since there are 3 of them...)

1 15