"What books have you been reading lately? Or what book-ish things online have you been into?"

0 13

I know it's hard for many to share good news & accomplishments during times like these. Please don't feel guilty. We want to root you on & give you the props you deserve. Some of us could use it! No news is too small, & it doesn't have to be publishing/writing-related

0 18


Comment below with three statements about yourself. Two must be true statements, and one must be false. At the end of the night (or right before you leave) be comment wit'truth'. Until then, let us have fun guessing : )

0 4

Hello my family! How are YOU feeling and holding up?

*Only share what you feel comfortable sharing at this time.

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One hour until our impromptu

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Our 2nd to last question of the night for . . . .

"Do you have any stories with twists, turns, surprise endings related to your 2020 release?"

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Question for from

"Has your wriing process changed since your first book was published? If yes, how?"

0 16

Question for . asks . . .

How many queries did they send on the book that they are getting published in 2020?"

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Subscribe to our mailing list and never miss a again . . . .

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Please support tonight's guests! Follow them on Twitter. Request, buy, and/or review their books : )

3 34

Cold snaps in Florida are rare, but when they happen the weather gets crazy. Forget raining cats and dogs, it rains iguanas! Poor Maria is afraid of lizards but she can’t just leave them out in the cold. Coming soon to

7 9

Let's give it up for ! Thanks for a great night.

If you're just now stopping by, dive in! Feel free to answer questions & chat with others. Giveaways are only thing shut down. Many of us will be sticking around.

So, bye to some, and hello to others!

1 29

Final ? of the night for . After this we'll have a Q & A & announce the giveaway winners

What was the leadership, delegation of tasks, & degree of communication like w/in your debut group & how did that influence your process & results as a debut author?

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Okay, I'm throwing a "question" into the ring for :

Please share with us one of each from your debut year:

1) A surprise you encountered
2) Your greatest struggle
3) Your greatest success

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This question for was asked by

"What's something you wish you would NOT have done leading up to or in your debut year?"

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"Who advised/shaped your strategy for publicity? Agents? Debut group?"

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Another great question brought to you by

"What are some tips for planning successful book launch events, and how many events should you plan in your debut year?"

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Up next for is a question from

"What steps transpired from the time of acquisition from the publishing company until print? How much promotion was expected from your end until print?"

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Our 2nd question of the night for is brought to you by .

"How soon after signing your book contract did you start publicizing the book?

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