Some of the wonderful paintings in Kathrine Geoghegan's exhibition. She is being interviewed on "Mooney Goes Wild" this evening RTE radio 1. Opens Sat. 14th April 3pm by Philip McCabe. President of Apimondia

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Kathrine Geoghegan's exhibition of paintings the bees love. Philip McCabe President of Apimondia with opening words on April 14th. It's a conversation on the decline of our bee population. Kilcock Gallery

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Kathrine Geoghegan's art contributing in a small way to the growing conversation about the crash in bee numbers. Philip McCabe President Apimondia with opening words on 14th April at 3pm

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자작몬: 인스피몬(Inspimon)
본래 자작몬을 자주 그리는 편은 아닙니다만 이참에 자작몬 하나 꺼내봅니다.
완성이라고 부르기 좀 애매한 수준이지만 언제쯤 다시 손을 댈지 미지수네요 ㅎㅎ...

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~Round 1~

Sunmon VS Kyupimon

RT for Sunmon
Fav for Kyupimon

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